George Richards

From ChoralWiki


Born: 1755, near Newport, Rhode Island

Died: 16 March 1816, Philadelphia


"For some years he was Purser and Chaplain in the United States Navy, and also taught a school in Boston. In 1789 he became an Universalist preacher, ministered at Portsmouth, New Haven, 1793-1809, and from 1809 in Philadelphia, where, his mind having given way under trouble, he died by his own hand, March 16, 1816. With S. Lane he edited the Universalist Hymn Book, published at Boston, 1792. This was one of the earliest collections of that body. It contained 49 of Richards's hymns. In 1801 he published A Collection of Hymns, Dover, New Hampshire, which contained 6 additional hymns by himself, and in 1806, also at Dover, a second edition of the same, greatly enlarged, with another 26 hymns" (Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, 1907).

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Settings of text by George Richards


  • Richards, George, and Oliver W. Lane, Compilers. 1792. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews.
  • Richards, George. 1808. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion, with an appendix, containing the original hymns omitted in the last edition. Boston: Munroe, Francis, and Parker. 388 pp.

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