Ode to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Francisco Valls)

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  • (Posted 2007-02-02)  CPDL #13530:        (Sibelius 2)
Editor: Jonathan Goodliffe (submitted 2007-02-02).   Score information: A4, 24 pages, 149 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Repeat bar lines are in the original score but the composer presumably intended the piece to be repeated only to the end of bar 51. This has been indicated accordingly. Some repeated quavers (8th notes) and semiquavers (16th notes) replaced by tremolos.

General Information

Title: Ode to Saint Thomas Aquinas
Composer: Francisco Valls

Number of voices: 8vv   Voicing: SSAB.SATB
Genre: SacredAria for St. Thomas Aquinas 28 January (7 March, until 1969)

Language: Spanish
Instruments: Two violin and oboe parts (in unison), two trumpets and continuo

First published: 1742 in Mapa Armónico Práctico, no.  
Description: Facsimile manuscript, including this score, published by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.

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Original text and translations

Spanish.png Spanish text

Ya que el aplauso soy más eloquente,
elevo justamente
del inclito Tomás las altas glorias,
en eternas memorias.
Soy quien immortalizo
cuando fiel solemnizo;
con que en su obsequio por diversos modos
mi fineza encarezco más que todos.

¿Quién ha de poder sondar el profundo y vasto mar de tu mérito y valor?
Si en lo heroico de tu ser, tuvo el cielo que admirar, en tu angélico candor.

English.png English translation

Since my own words are more eloquent than any applause, I raise into everlasting memory the great glories of the illustrious Thomas. I am the one who can immortalize when I faithfully celebrate; and so my eulogy, more than anyone else's, extols his renown in every way.

Who can fathom the deep and vast sea of your worth and bravery?
Did Heaven too admire your heroism and your angelic candour?