Firstpublished:2020 Description: The original text circulated anonymously in Brazil during the 1980s. This is a new Esperanto translation set as a part song. For background information about its origin and context, see here: .
1. Ho, Patro, ĉu la mondo iam estos / de l' povruloj, niaj gefratoj?
Ho, Patro, kiom dure, la popolon / per subpremado vidi krucumata!
2. Ho, Patro, kiu viŝos for la larmojn / de l' homoj kiuj sen pano?
Ho, Patro, kiu kun favor' satigos / la malriĉulojn per libereco?
3. Ho, Patro de vundata Ameriko / Ve! Kiom da aflikta vivo!
Ho, Patro, kiam venos libereco / al la popoloj de tiuj nacioj?
4. Ho, Patro, la rompita kor' de nia / popol' senŝarĝiĝon deziras!
Ho, Patro, la espero de nuntempo / estas disdono kaj egaleco.
5. Ho, Patro, ĉu la tero estos iam / de l' povra popolamaso?
Ho, Patro, ĉu la mondo estos nia, / de la povruloj, sen subpremado?
English translation
Father! Oh, Our Father!
1. Oh father, will the world once belong to the poor, our brothers and sisters?
Oh father, how hard it is to see the folk crucified through oppression!
2. Oh father, who will wipe off the tears of the people without bread?
Oh father, who will gracefully satisfy the poor with freedom?
3. Oh, father of the wounded America, alas! How much grief!
Oh father, when will freedom come to the peoples of these nations?
4. Oh father, the broken heart of our folk desires relief!
Oh father, the hope of our time is repartition and egality.
5. Oh father, will the earth once belong to the poor masses?
Oh father, will the world once be ours, of the poor, without oppression?