Peter Abelard
Aliases: Petrus Abaelardus; Petrus Abailardus; Pierre Abélard; Pierre Abaillard – Born "Pierre Abaillard"
Born: 1079
Died: 21 April 1142
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List of choral works
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Settings of text by Peter Abelard
- Adorna, Sion, thalamum (Charles H. Giffen)
- Angelorum hominumque (Gregorian chant)
- Mittit ad virginem (Adrian Willaert)
- Mittit ad virginem (Josquin des Prez)
- Mittit ad virginem (Trent 88) (Anonymous)
- O quanta qualia (Peter Abelard)
- O what their joy and their glory must be (François de La Feillée)
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