Philippe Verdelot

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Born: early 1480's?

Died: before 1552


Verdelot is presumably only a nickname, his actual family name being Deslouges. Attaignant published Sancta Maria succurre miseris in 1529 mentioning Deslouges, and subsequently reprinted it in 1543 labelling it under Verdelot. Verdelot is actually a municipality in the county of Rebais (Seine-et-Marne, France). Les loges is a hamlet in this municipality. The etymology of his name is more amply discussed in Etude bio-bibliographique sur Philippe Verdelot by Anne-Marie Bragard, published in 1964 as a thesis for the Brussels Science Academy.

Vasari states that in 1511 the artist Sebastiano del Piombo painted Verdelot, and the apparent age of the subject in 2 surviving paintings put forward as candidates for that portrait allows a guess at his birthdate. Verdelot was dead by 1552, and there is no evidence that he survived 1530 the siege of Florence and the ensuing plague.

View the Wikipedia article on Philippe Verdelot.

List of choral works

Sacred music

Secular music

Verdelot also contributed an ad libitum 5th part to La Guerre (Clément Janequin)  
Click here to search for this composer on CPDL


External links