Praeter rerum seriem

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Praeter rerum seriem
Ach, du herzliebes Jesulein
parit deum hominem
mach dir ein rein sanftes Bettelein
zu ruhen in meins Herzen Schrein
daß ich nimmer vergesse dein.
virgo mater.
Nec vir tangit virginem
nec prolis originem
novit pater.

Virtus sancti spiritus
opus illud coelitus
Initus et exitus
partus tui penitus
quis scrutatur?

Dei providentia
quae disponit omnia
tam suave.
Tua puerperia
transfer in mysteria.
Mater ave.

German.png German translation

Entgegen den Lauf der Dinge
Gebärt Gott als Menschen die jungfräuliche Mutter.
Weder berührte ein Mann sie,
Noch kennt des Geschlechts Ursprung der Vater.

Durch des heiligen Geistes Tugend
Wurde dies himmlische Werk vollbracht.
Anfang und Ende deiner Niederkunft ganz
Wer durchschaut es?

Gottes Voraussicht, die alles so sacht ordnet,
Trage deine Niederkunft ins Mysterische.
Gesegnet seist du, Mutter.

Translation by Euphrosyne
English.png English translation

This is no normal scheme of things:
Oh dear little Jesus
God and man is born
Make yourself a clean soft bed
to rest in my heart's shrine
So that I never forget you.
of a virgin mother.
She has known no man;
the child's origin is unknown
to the father.

By the Holy Spirit's power
this heavenly work
has been brought about.
The beginning and end
of your giving birth
who can really know?

By God's grace,
which orders all things
so smoothly,
your childbearing
confronts us with a mystery.
Hail, Mother.
Translation by Mick Swithinbank

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