Request:Pastorella graziosella (Orazio Vecchi)
Title: Pastorella graziosella
Composer: Orazio Vecchi
Date of request: 2004-02-20
Requested by: David Adams
Additional notes: Madrigal for 5 voices, SSATB, a cappella. The only version we have been able to run to earth is in (rather poor) English, with Italian underlay, and is still in copyright, because of the translation! Should like to include this item in a summer concert, planned for late June. Grateful for any assistance!
Status: Completed
Date completed: 2020-11-13
Volunteer: Richard Mix
Edition notes: No. 10 in 1598 print at the Petrucci Music Library (IMSLP)
Location of requested score: Pastorella gratiosella (Orazio Vecchi)