Robert Jordahl
Some or all of the works by this composer are subject to copyright, and not available on CPDL. You may be able to buy scores from Sheet Music Plus, which provides CPDL up to 8% of every sale we refer. This helps with the costs of running CPDL's web site. |
Born: 19 September 1926
Died: August 2008
Retired college theory and composition professor (last position was at McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA.. Composer of songs, choral music, keyboard (piano and organ) pieces, four masses in English, a cantata " The Temple ", chamber music, orchestral music- including two ballets.
Education: B.M. in theory-composition (U. of Texas at Austin,1950); M.M. Ed. (U. of Texas at Austin,1951); PhD. in theory (Eastman ,1965).
List of choral works
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Among his publishers are Shawnee Press, Kjos, Bardon Enterprises (U.K.), Cantus Quercus, Harrock Hall, Brassworks4, and others. Some of these have score and audio samples.
External links
The following publishers have links to Jordahl's choral music: