Sans lever le pied (Pierre Clereau)

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  • (Posted 2018-10-18)  CPDL #51517:       
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2018-10-18).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 64 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Sans lever le pied
Composer: Pierre Clereau

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SSA
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1559 in Premier livre de chansons à trois parties, no. 19
    2nd published: 1574 in La Fleur des chansons a 3 (Pierre Phalèse), no. 86
    3rd published: 1575 in Les odes de Pierre de Ronsard, no. 39

External websites:

Original text and translations

French.png French text

Sans lever le pied, j’abattrai la rosée.
En un jardin seulette suis allée,
Assez longtemps seulette égarée,
Mon ami vint qui ainsi m’a trouvée,
Deux ou trois fois sur l’herbe m’a jetée,
Sans lever le pied j’abattrai la rosée.

English.png English translation

If I do not slow down, I’ll spoil the morning dew.
Alone I went into a leafy lieu,
For quite some time I strolled beneath the blue,
My boyfriend came along and near me drew
Then twice or thrice upon the grass me threw,
If I do not slow down, I’ll spoil the morning dew.

Translation by Thomas Daughton