The Hamster of Galilee (Peter Foggitt)

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  • (Posted 2023-12-27)  CPDL #78496:     
Editor: Peter Foggitt (submitted 2023-12-27).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 94 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: The Hamster of Galilee
Composer: Peter Foggitt
Lyricist: Peter Foggitt
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularCarol

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 2023

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Stable of Bethlehem, shadows and candlelight,
Shepherds and Magi adoring the Child;
Footsteps are heard from far,
then through the door ajar
Comes a meek servant girl, holy and mild.

She bears in her hands a gift for the Infant
which she has found by the side of the street:
Living and breathing, and perfect for snuggling,
Its tiny ears and its four little feet.

Sing we of the Hamster, the Hamster of Galilee,
Lowly and fluffy, the Saviour's delight;
He was a chonky boi, his Master's pride and joy:
Sing we of the Hamster on this Christmas night.

Soon must they fly away: Herod will Jesus slay;
Off into Egypt go Fam'ly and Pet.
Joseph hears in his bed, Herod is fin'lly dead:
Hamster and Fam'ly return to their shed.

What a companion for J­esus the Toddler:
Not a chinchila, a mouse or a rat.
First among rodents, the plumpest of hamsters
Must be protected from ravenous cats.

Lifespan of hamsterkind flick'ring as candlelight:
Soon comes the time for its sojourn to end.
But for Child, Spouse, and Maid, mem'ries will never fade;

Ooh ooh Ooh ooh
...adoring the Child; this Christmas night.