Venite populi (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

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  • (Posted 2007-01-02)  CPDL #13326:  (Full score):   Score information: A4, 12 pages, 202 kB   
Vocal score:     (A4, 12 pages, 147 kbytes)
Instrumental parts: Violin 1:  , Violin 2:  , Violoncello:  , Organ/continuo:  
Editor: Diana Thompson (submitted 2007-01-02).   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: String parts are optional. The organ part can be used either as a continuo realisation, or as an accompaniment on its own.

General Information

Title: Venite populi, K.260
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Number of voices: 8vv   Voicing: SATB.SATB
Genre: SacredMotetEucharistic song

Language: Latin
Instruments: 2 violins, cello, organ (continuo) OR organ (orchestra reduction)

First published:
Description: This is one of Mozart's few works for double choir, and one of the few settings of this rare and unusual text. It deserves to be better known.

External websites:

  • Free choir training aids for this work are available at Choralia.

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Venite, populi, venite
de longe venite,
et admiramini gentes.
Venite, populi, venite,
an alia natio tam grandis,
quae habet Deos appropinquantes sibi,
sicut Deus noster adest nobis,
cujus in ara veram praesentiam
contemplamur jugiter per fidem vivam,
an alia natio tam grandis?
O sors cunctis beatior,
O sors sola fidelium,
quibus panis fractio
et calicis communio
est in auxilium.
Eja ergo epulemur
in azymis veritatis et sinceritatis,
eja ergo epulemur
et inebriemur vino laetitiae sempiternae;
an alia natio tam grandis?
Venite, populi, venite.

German.png German translation

Kommt, Völker, kommt,
von weither kommt,
und wundert euch, Stämme.
Kommt, Völker, kommt,
ob es eine andere so große Nation gibt,
die Götter hat, die sich ihr so nahen,
wie unser Gott uns nahe ist,
dessen wahrhafte Gegenwart auf dem Altar
wir immerfort durch lebendigen Glauben betrachten,
ob eine andere Nation so groß ist?
O Los, seliger als alle,
O einzigartiges Los der Gläubigen,
denen die Brechung des Brotes
und die Gemeinschaft des Kelches
als Hilfe dient.
Wohlan denn, laßt uns schmausen
bei den ungesäuerten Broten der Wahrheit und Rechtschaffenheit,
wohlan denn, laßt uns schmausen
und trunken werden am Wein immerwährender Freude;
ob eine andere Nation so groß ist?
Kommt, Völker, kommt.

English.png English translation

Come, O peoples, come;
come from afar,
and marvel, O races.
Come, O peoples, come;
is there any nation so great
that it has its gods so near to it
as our God is near to us,
whose true presence on his altar
we continually contemplate through living faith:
is there any nation so great?
O fate more blessed than all others,
O fate only of the faithful
for whom breaking bread
and sharing the cup
is a help
Therefore let us feast
on the unleavened bread of truth and sincerity,
Let us feast, therefore,
and become drunk with wine of eternal joy;
is there any nation so great?
Come, O peoples, come.

Slovenian.png Slovenian translation

Pridite, ljudstva, pridite,
pridite od daleč,
in se čudite, rodovi!
Pridite, ljudstva, pridite,
ali je kak drug narod tako velik,
da bi si imel bogove tako blizu,
kakor je blizu nam naš Bog,
čigar resnično navzočnost na oltarju
z živo vero nenehno zremo,
ali je kak drug narod tako velik?
O, od vseh srečnejši delež,
o edini delež vernikov,
ki jim je lomljenje kruha
in udeležba pri kelihu v pomoč.
Dajmo, gostimo se torej
z opresniki resnice in iskrenosti,
dajmo, gostimo se torej
in se napijmo vina večnega veselja.
Ali je kak drug narod tako velik?
Pridite, ljudstva, pridite!