Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days. Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention. She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of ten years and six-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.
Genres: Romance, , Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense
New and upcoming books
Line of Duty
1. Protecting What's His (2013)
1.5. Protecting What's Theirs (2014)
2. His Risk to Take (2013)
3. Officer Off Limits (2013)
4. Asking for Trouble (2013)
5. Staking His Claim (2014)
1. Protecting What's His (2013)
1.5. Protecting What's Theirs (2014)
2. His Risk to Take (2013)
3. Officer Off Limits (2013)
4. Asking for Trouble (2013)
5. Staking His Claim (2014)
Crossing the Line
0.5. Riskier Business (2015)
1. Risking it All (2015)
2. Up in Smoke (2015)
3. Boiling Point (2015)
4. Raw Redemption (2016)
0.5. Riskier Business (2015)
1. Risking it All (2015)
2. Up in Smoke (2015)
3. Boiling Point (2015)
4. Raw Redemption (2016)
Made in Jersey
1. Crashed Out (2015)
Rough Rhythm (2016)
2. Thrown Down (2016)
3. Worked Up (2016)
4. Wound Tight (2016)
1. Crashed Out (2015)
Rough Rhythm (2016)
2. Thrown Down (2016)
3. Worked Up (2016)
4. Wound Tight (2016)
Romancing the Clarksons
1. Too Hot To Handle (2016)
2. Too Wild to Tame (2016)
3. Too Hard to Forget (2017)
3.5. Too Close to Call (2017)
4. Too Beautiful to Break (2017)
1. Too Hot To Handle (2016)
2. Too Wild to Tame (2016)
3. Too Hard to Forget (2017)
3.5. Too Close to Call (2017)
4. Too Beautiful to Break (2017)
The Girl
1. Getaway Girl (2018)
2. Runaway Girl (2018)
3. Renaissance Man (2019)
4. Halfway Girl (2019)
1. Getaway Girl (2018)
2. Runaway Girl (2018)
3. Renaissance Man (2019)
4. Halfway Girl (2019)
Phenomenal Fate
1. Reborn Yesterday (2020)
2. This Time Tomorrow (2020)
3. Today Tomorrow and Always (2021)
1. Reborn Yesterday (2020)
2. This Time Tomorrow (2020)
3. Today Tomorrow and Always (2021)
Big Shots
1. Fangirl Down (2024)
2. The Au Pair Affair (2024)
3. Dream Girl Drama (2025)
4. Pitcher Perfect (2025)
1. Fangirl Down (2024)
2. The Au Pair Affair (2024)
3. Dream Girl Drama (2025)
4. Pitcher Perfect (2025)
Unfixable (2014)
Follow (2017)
Captivated (2018) (with Eve Dangerfield)
The Major's Welcome Home (2018)
The Sweetest Fix (2021)
Window Shopping (2021)
My Killer Vacation (2022)
Happenstance (2022)
Wreck the Halls (2023)
Follow (2017)
Captivated (2018) (with Eve Dangerfield)
The Major's Welcome Home (2018)
The Sweetest Fix (2021)
Window Shopping (2021)
My Killer Vacation (2022)
Happenstance (2022)
Wreck the Halls (2023)
Series contributed to
1001 Dark Nights: Bundles
10. 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Ten (2017) (with others)
16. 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Sixteen (2018) (with others)
Love, Rekindled (2025) (with others)
10. 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Ten (2017) (with others)
16. 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Sixteen (2018) (with others)
Love, Rekindled (2025) (with others)
Omnibus editions show
Tessa Bailey recommends
The Wedding Witch (2024)
(Graves Glen, book 3)
Erin Sterling
"A spooky romantic comedy treat that had me sighing at one page, laughing out loud at the next."
The Rule Book (2024)
Sarah Adams
"The sporty second-chance romance of your dreams! So much tension! I love Nora and Derek forever and ever."
How to End a Love Story (2024)
Yulin Kuang
"An utterly compelling debut complete with romance secret sauce - a couple with a real reason to stay apart...and simply can't. Emotional, relatable and binge-worthy."
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