FlatLaf 3.2
New SVG renderer
The FlatLaf Extras library now used JSVG library (instead of svgSalamander) for SVG rendering. JSVG provides improved SVG rendering and uses less memory compared to svgSalamander.
IntelliJ Themes improved
Many improvements and fixed were made to the FlatLaf IntelliJ Themes Pack. If you use those themes it is highly recommended to upgrade to this release.
TabbedPane: rounded selection
TabbedPane now support rounded underline selection and rounded card tabs. Card tabs now have rounded corners by default.
FileChooser: more localized texts
FileChooser now show localized text for all locales supported by Java's Metal look and feel.
Toolbox-style "small" window title bar
FlatLaf Window Decorations now supports toolbox-style "small" window title bar.
Windows on ARM
The FlatLaf native library is now also available for ARM 64-bit architecture on Windows.
Change Log
See https://github.com/JFormDesigner/FlatLaf/releases/tag/3.2