Edited by: Alexander Panfilov, Ghent University, Belgium
Reviewed by: Maxime Sermesant, Inria, France; Mary Margot Catherine Maleckar, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
*Correspondence: Pablo Lamata
This article was submitted to Computational Physiology and Medicine, a section of the journal Frontiers in Physiology
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The left atrium (LA) can change in size and shape due to atrial fibrillation (AF)-induced remodeling. These alterations can be linked to poorer outcomes of AF ablation. In this study, we propose a novel comprehensive computational analysis of LA anatomy to identify what features of LA shape can optimally predict post-ablation AF recurrence. To this end, we construct smooth 3D geometrical models from the segmentation of the LA blood pool captured in pre-procedural MR images. We first apply this methodology to characterize the LA anatomy of 144 AF patients and build a statistical shape model that includes the most salient variations in shape across this cohort. We then perform a discriminant analysis to optimally distinguish between recurrent and non-recurrent patients. From this analysis, we propose a new shape metric called vertical asymmetry, which measures the imbalance of size along the anterior to posterior direction between the superior and inferior left atrial hemispheres. Vertical asymmetry was found, in combination with LA sphericity, to be the best predictor of post-ablation recurrence at both 12 and 24 months (area under the ROC curve: 0.71 and 0.68, respectively) outperforming other shape markers and any of their combinations. We also found that model-derived shape metrics, such as the anterior-posterior radius, were better predictors than equivalent metrics taken directly from MRI or echocardiography, suggesting that the proposed approach leads to a reduction of the impact of data artifacts and noise. This novel methodology contributes to an improved characterization of LA organ remodeling and the reported findings have the potential to improve patient selection and risk stratification for catheter ablations in AF.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia. It is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and early death and has a detrimental impact on quality of life, frequently leading to severely disabling symptoms (Calkins et al.,
Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) forms the mainstay of currently available invasive treatments for AF. During RFCA, catheters are introduced into the left atrium, where they are used to cause localized thermal damage to the atrial wall in an attempt to destroy or electrically isolate the areas of abnormal electrical activity responsible for AF. For early AF, RFCA has a medium-term success rate of up to 90%, but in patients with persistent forms of the disease, the success of the procedure drops to less than 70% (Ganesan et al.,
AF leads to complex alterations (remodeling) at cellular, tissue, and organ level which can contribute to the perpetuation of the condition. Several features of remodeling have therefore been proposed as markers of disease progression to aid the selection of the patients most likely to benefit from catheter ablation. Organ-level alterations can be observed in conventional images using echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography. Previous studies have focused on imaging-based markers of remodeling, measuring atrial dilation using metrics such as the anterior-posterior (AP) radius (Berruezo et al.,
It is not clear, however, what LA shape features can best predict AF recurrence before ablation. In two studies, AP radius has been found to independently predict AF recurrence at 12 months post-ablation in echocardiographic or MR images of the LA of over 100 AF patients (Berruezo et al.,
The personalization of computational cardiac models to clinical data reveals robust and accurate diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers (Lamata et al.,
A cohort of 144 atrial fibrillation patients (mean age: 53 years, 24% female), due to undergo an RFCA procedure were imaged under ethical approval using bright-blood cardiac MRI, as detailed in Bisbal et al. (
The endocardial surfaces of the left atria of all patients were segmented using the CARTO 3 image integration tool plugin (Biosense Webster, CA, USA) with the pulmonary veins and left atrial appendage excluded at their ostia, as described in Bisbal et al. (
To encode the left atrial shape of each subject, a computational 3D geometrical model was fitted to each patient's LA segmentation using a mathematical framework successfully employed to create personalized ventricular meshes (Lamata et al.,
An important characteristic of the meshes is that they are all smooth due to a cubic interpolation between mesh nodes achieved using class C1 cubic Hermite basis functions - the reader is referred to Lamata et al. (
From the LA meshes of the 144 subjects, the mean left atrial shape of the cohort was computed using the mean of the 1,608 parameters that encode shape. Mean recurrent and non-recurrent LA shapes at 12 and 24 months post-ablation were similarly computed by averaging the meshes of the patients that had respectively experienced/not experienced recurrence at that time point.
The analysis and comparison of the 3D LA meshes, each encoded using 1,608 parameters, is unpractical. A technique of dimensionality reduction called principal component analysis (PCA) was adopted to find and rank the directions of anatomical change (called
The PCA implementation was based on singular value decomposition performed on centered data and was implemented in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). PCA modes are mutually orthogonal and, in this case, there are as many PCA modes of variation as there are subjects minus 1 (i.e., 143). PCA modes are ranked in descending order of importance according to the amount of shape variation they explain. In other words, LA shapes can be reconstructed with an increasing level of accuracy starting from the mean shape and sequentially adding the information contained in each subsequent PCA mode (see Figure
We aimed to reject low variance modes that were most likely associated with noise from the image acquisition and segmentation processes rather than true anatomical variability. The number of shape modes chosen to characterize the LA shape was based on the criterion that the mean reconstruction error between the LA mesh and the mesh recreated with the chosen PCA modes should be smaller than 1 mm, corresponding to approximately one half of the MR images' resolution. As such, modes were added to the analysis until an average reconstruction error of 1 mm was reached (corresponding to 8 PCA modes, as shown in the Results section, see Figure
To describe the LA anatomical change that best correlates with the risk of recurrence after catheter ablation, we used Fisher linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In our implementation, LDA took the identified subset of the 8 PCA modes and computed the linear combination of these that allowed an optimal separation between recurrent and non-recurrent patients. The combination of PCA and LDA is a common method to regularize the LDA (Belhumeur et al.,
The outcome of the LDA is another anatomical deformation mode, the
Two LDA modes were generated in this study. We shall refer to them as the
As it will be reported in the results section, visualization of the extreme shapes encoded by the LDA modes suggested a remodeling outcome associated with an asymmetry of atrial shapes along the foot-head direction (Figure
The search for the atrial shape marker that best predicts AF recurrence included a total of 6 metrics: 3 previously reported metrics computed using the MRI segmentations—LA volume, AP radius and sphericity; and 3 new ones computed from the smooth meshes—iLDA, oLDA (see Optimal differences between recurrent and non-recurrent shapes) and vertical asymmetry. LA volume and sphericity [the normalized sum of the residuals of the best fit of the LA shape to a sphere (Bisbal et al.,
The search for the optimal metric was comprehensive, testing both each marker individually, and in all possible linear combinations (of 1 to 6 markers, as for the construction of the oLDA described before). The optimal combinations of shape markers were performed using LDA. The objective was to find the optimal single score to predict recurrence that could be computed easily and could thus be used in a clinical setting. The assumption tested is that there can be complementary anatomical information between the different metrics.
The study also included an analysis of the relevance of the imaging modality and pre-processing before the extraction of shape metrics. The commonly used metric of anterior-posterior radius (AP radius) was used for this purpose. This metric was computed in three different manners: direct measurement using echocardiography, measurement from the MRI segmentation (at the level of the center of mass of the LA), and estimation using the shortest equatorial radius from the smooth mesh. As echocardiographic details were missing for 6 patients, this comparison was carried out in 135 and 106 patients at 12 and 24 months post-ablation respectively.
The ability of different shape features to predict post-ablation recurrence was assessed using the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curve characterizes the performance of a metric by graphically showing the true positive detection rate against false positive detection at different cut-offs of the proposed metric. We use the area under the ROC curve (AUC) to allow quantitative comparisons of each shape marker's ability to distinguish between recurrent and non-recurrent LA shapes. In simple terms, the AUC measures the ability of the metric to identify true positives over false positives for a range cut-off values and is therefore less dependent on disease prevalence than other performance classifiers. The higher the AUC of a marker, the better its ability to distinguish between recurrent and non-recurrent cases.
The performance of the classifier was evaluated through a leave-one-out cross-validation test. In this test, each marker is trained on all patient data but one and is then used to predict the recurrence status of the missing case. This is repeated for all cases in the cohort and the AUC of the generated classifier is computed. This cross-validation test provides an indication of how each marker is expected to perform in a cohort different to the one in which it was trained. It can be interpreted as the best indicator of the capability of a marker to predict recurrence for a given subject not included in the cohort in which the marker was trained. This is in contrast to a resubstitution situation, in which the training and testing is done in the same cohort. In the resubstitution situation, cohort-specific, non-generalizable shape features are more likely to play an important role than in the cross-validation scenario.
Finally, to determine whether significant localized differences in shape exist between recurrent and non-recurrent shapes at different time points, we determined whether there were significant changes in the position of each of the mesh's nodes, by performing Hotelling T-squared tests (at a significance level of 0.01) on node positions after subsequent rigid alignments of all the atrial meshes.
The personalized LA meshes as well as the patient data for the entire cohort of 144 patients are available in
The mean shape of the LA body is well-approximated by an ellipsoid flattened along the AP direction, with a prominence on the top posterior face, linked to the origin of the left pulmonary veins. Figure
Mode 1 explains 39.0% of the variability in the data, as shown in Figure
Individual mesh reconstructions that use all PCA modes up until mode 8 led to an overall mesh reconstruction error (averaged L2-norm of node positions) of just over 1 mm (see Figure
All first 8 PCA modes were used as inputs to create the iLDA mode. The combination of PCA modes that led to the best discriminative performance in a cross-validation experiment was obtained using PCA modes 1, 2, and 8, which were linearly combined to create the oLDA mode.
The optimal separation direction found by the oLDA defines the extreme recurrent and non-recurrent shapes shown in Figure
The observed change in the flattening/bulging of the meshes near each vertical pole observed in the extreme shapes suggested the creation of a novel shape marker, vertical asymmetry (see Figure
Other simple shape markers, such as foot-head or left-right radius, ratios of radii and surface area were also investigated, but found to have a poor discriminatory performance, as shown in Figure
We also investigated the predictive power of the AP radius when computed using different modalities or processing techniques. As shown in Figures
Hotelling's T-squared tests failed to find any significant changes in node positions with time, suggesting that shape alterations linked to post-ablation recurrence affect the LA shape in a global rather than localized way.
This work unveils the shape features that can best predict AF recurrence following an RFCA procedure. Using information gained from a statistical analysis of LA shape, we propose a novel marker, vertical asymmetry, which, when combined with sphericity, is found to be the best left atrial shape predictor of recurrence at both 1 and 2 years post-ablation (AUC = 0.71 and 0.68, respectively). The main secondary findings are that recurrence is not found to correlate with any local shape changes and that shape metrics derived from the smooth meshes have a better predictive performance than equivalent MRI or echography-based ones, as shown for the AP radius.
These findings can help in the stratification of AF patients for RFCA procedures and the proposed methodology can be applied to the study of the prognostic value of LA morphology in other atrial pathologies, such as the prediction of embolic cerebrovascular events in mitral stenosis (Nunes et al.,
This study investigates the structural remodeling of the atria at an organ scale going beyond simple shape metrics (such as volume or AP distance), which are usually estimated from 2D echocardiographic data in clinical practice. Our methodology relies on 3D MR images and smooth meshes, and was designed to more comprehensively analyze atrial shape in AF, comparing these commonly-used clinical shape markers with more complex mesh-based metrics.
The core novelty of the proposed methodology is the use of smooth computational meshes (by cubic Hermite interpolation), making the shape analysis robust to image acquisition and segmentation limitations at the cost of high-resolution anatomical detail. (Note that mesh smoothness can be enforced by other methodologies). The smoothness of the meshes is also useful to capture high-order features of the organ-level shape which are difficult to correctly encode using less smooth (e.g., linear) meshes. An example is the computation of local (Gaussian) curvature, which has been shown to have an important role in the dynamics of the abnormal electrical circuits believed to underlie AF (Rogers,
It is possible that enforcing smoothness in the mesh fitting process may lead to a loss of valuable anatomical detail present in the images (and therefore in the segmentations). We tested this hypothesis by varying the level of anatomical detail that meshes could capture (imposed by the regularization of the mesh fitting algorithm). Although using a higher level of detail reduced the average segmentation-to-mesh fitting error from 1.00 to 0.59 mm, this did not lead to an increment of the predictive power of the mesh-derived metrics. This suggests that the additional anatomical detail is either not directly relevant to the prediction of AF recurrence (for which large-scale organ-level alterations have traditionally been considered) or that it is contaminated by noise or artifacts.
The choice of smooth meshes to represent LA morphology can prevent localized shape features from significantly contributing to recurrence prediction, as found in this study (section 3.5). Studies that use high-resolution information (such as the encoding of LA shape from cardiac-gate computer tomography images) and meshes that capture higher levels of spatial detail should be better placed to reveal very localized high-resolution remodeling patterns with additional predictive power.
PCA and LDA are powerful mathematical tools, but the changes encoded by different modes are not always amenable to simple interpretation. In order to overcome this limitation, most of the variability in the analyzed cohort (Figure
The synthesis of extreme LA recurrent and non-recurrent shapes (Figure
We hypothesize that LAs with a very negative vertical asymmetry are more susceptible to recurrence, as suggested by the extreme shapes shown in Figure
As in any classification problem based on machine learning, we found that increasing the number of PCA modes used as an input to the LDA led to an improvement in discrimination between recurrent and non-recurrent shapes in a resubstitution situation. This was nevertheless a spurious improvement, driven by the fact that training was performed in the same cohort where the algorithm was tested. In a cross-validation situation (where the recurrence status of cases not included in the training dataset is predicted), additional PCA modes do not translate into an improved predictive power. This is exemplified in Figure
For similar reasons, a combination of sphericity and vertical asymmetry was found to outperform all other metrics and their combinations, including those where sphericity and vertical asymmetry were combined with additional markers, such as volume or AP radius. We conclude that the addition of more parametric shape dimensions contributes to better explain the differences in a specific population, but cannot be generalized to other cases.
It should be noted that the prediction of AF recurrence is a multi-factorial problem which goes beyond organ-level remodeling. The results of this study, with a peak AUC of 0.71, suggest that remodeling at the organ level should be complemented with other clinical markers to select patients for LA ablation. Clinically, the simplest method is the assessment of an AP radius with echocardiography (AUC of 0.64 and 0.60 at 12 and 24 months). The availability of a 3D shape from MRI and the computation of sphericity improves predictive power (AUC of 0.68 and 0.63) and the suggested combination with a metric computed using the smooth 3D meshes (vertical asymmetry) achieves an additional increment in AUC of similar magnitude (reaching 0.71 and 0.68).
We also analyzed the impact of the imaging modality and the model construction process on the ability of the AP radius to predict post-ablation recurrence. We found that although the AP radius estimated from the smooth meshes had a comparable predictive power to sphericity in all analyzed conditions, its performance worsened when estimates were taken directly from the MRI segmentation or from echocardiographic measurements. This is likely to be linked to a decrease in the precision of AP radius estimates as they are taken from non-smooth MRI segmentations or from operator-dependent echocardiographic measurements. This result highlights the importance of the shape regularization and consistency in orientation enforced by the personalized smooth computation meshes in the creation of robust shape metrics. These findings do not apply to other metrics such as volume, which are less sensitive to the regularization imposed by the smooth mesh creation.
Our findings can be related to another computational analysis study found in the literature. Previous work by Cates et al. (
Our study demonstrates statistical correlations between the LA shape metrics and AF recurrence in a large cohort of patients. The implicit hypothesis is that the morphological remodeling at the organ level is a sign of disease progression and a metric for risk stratification.
However, the possible biophysical pathways linking atrial shape and AF recurrence have not yet been elucidated. Possible mechanisms can include the initiation of AF via stretch-activated channels due to atrial dilation, its perpetuation mediated by the slow movement of abnormal electrical circuits in regions of high atrial curvature (Dierckx et al.,
As in the original study in which this cohort of patients was analyzed (Bisbal et al.,
Furthermore, the performed analysis only considered the shape of the left atrial body. This leaves out the anatomy of the left atrial appendage and pulmonary vein insertions and also of the right atrium, which could also carry important information concerning recurrence risk. However, the proposed methodological approach, which prioritizes robustness through the choice of a smooth LA representation, is not well-suited to capture fine anatomical details and to account for the large inter-individual anatomical and topological variability that these structures can present.
The performed MRI acquisition was not cardiac gated, implying that the analyzed shape carries contributions from several phases of the cardiac cycle. Given that the weighting given to each phase of the cardiac cycle varies from patient to patient, this may introduce an important source of variability into the analyzed LA shape. Future work will focus on applying the developed framework to cardiac-gated MRI to help clarify which phases of the cardiac cycle provide the most useful information for AF patient stratification in the RFCA context.
This work presents one of the possible approaches to balancing the extraction of useful information and the degradation by noise and artifacts in a given image segmentation. As reported in the
Finally, both the presence and pattern of LA fibrosis and atrial wall thickness have been shown to be an important factor in both arrhythmia mechanisms and patient stratification for sudden cardiac death and hence including information about fibrosis or atrial wall thickness from patient-specific MRIs (Marrouche et al.,
In conclusion, we present a methodology to rigorously encode LA shape and use it to investigate shape predictors of AF recurrence following RFCA. LA vertical asymmetry, a novel shape marker, led, in combination with sphericity, to the best predictive power for recurrence at 1 and 2 years. This methodology has the potential to improve AF patient selection for RFCA and to lead to an improved understanding of the organ-level remodeling process in these patients.
MV wrote the data analysis software, analyzed, and critically reviewed the data and drafted the manuscript. AB, FB acquired the data. OA, FB, LM contributed to the study design. EZ contributed to the data analysis. PL designed the study, wrote the software that creates the patient-specific meshes and atlas and did part of the data analysis. All authors critically reviewed the manuscript and gave final approval for publication.
This work was supported by: The UK Department of Health (via the NIHR comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre award to Guys & St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with KCL and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Healthcare Technology Co-operative for Cardiovascular Disease); the Wellcome Trust-EPSRC Centre of Excellence in Medical Engineering [WT 088641/Z/09/Z]; the British Heart Foundation [PG/15/8/31130] to MV and OA; the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society [WT 099973/Z/12/Z] to PL; the H2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation [655020-DTI4micro-MSCA-IF-EF-ST] to EZ and a grant by La MARATO - TV3 (ID 201527) to FB.
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
Atrial Fibrillation
Area Under the Curve
inclusive LDA
Left Atrium
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
optimized LDA
Principal Component Analysis
Radio Frequency Catheter Ablation
Receiver Operator Characteristic.