Geolitho — Collection Management

Scope of functions

  1. Avail­able in eng­lish and ger­man (more lan­guages are possible)
  2. You can insert your texts in sev­er­al languages.
  3. Mul­ti­ple collections
  4. Near­ly unlim­it­ed col­lec­tion items per collection
  5. Select all known min­er­als and most known rocks and fos­sils, total­ing over 400,000 entries.
  6. Cre­ate non-offi­cial min­er­als per col­lec­tion. Still unknown phas­es can be created.
  7. Assign prop­er­ties with selec­tion tools (Col­or­pick­er from pho­to etc.). Habi­tus, Tra­cht, UV, radioac­tiv­i­ty, qual­i­ty rar­i­ty at the site, etc.
  8. Select all sites of the Min­er­al Atlas.
  9. Own cre­ation pos­si­bil­i­ty there not list­ed sites (per col­lec­tion individually)
  10. Syn­chro­niza­tion of new­ly cre­at­ed sites from the Min­er­al Atlas
  11. Inte­gra­tion of doc­u­ments and images (images gen­er­al, Analy­sis data, per­son­al doc­u­ments, etc. )
  12. Cre­ate, man­age and print labels with QR code (Con­fig­urable, com­mon label types are stored)
  13. Allo­ca­tion of key­words, mark­ers and book­marks with­in a col­lec­tion and also across collections
  14. Own con­tact man­age­ment per col­lec­tion with doc­u­ment attachment
  15. Cre­ate and assign stor­age solu­tions (cab­i­net, drawer)
  16. Diary of all events of a col­lec­tion object
  17. Multi­user access, teamwork
  18. Allo­ca­tion of per­mis­sions, who may read, write, delete, per­form mass changes? 
  19. Search options with syn­tac­tic full text search and many oth­er cri­te­ria like dis­play of all col­lec­tion items from a region etc., col­lec­tion items with pic­tures, By events and peri­od etc.
  20. Cre­at­ing miss­ing and inven­to­ry lists, accord­ing to sys­tem­at­ics and where they were found, etc.
  21. Gen­er­ate .pdfs for dis­tri­b­u­tion or display
  22. Copy­ing object entries between collections
  23. His­to­ry of changes
  24. and much more …

The screen­shots give you an impres­sion of how the pro­gram looks like.

To enlarge click on the image.


Cur­rent­ly we pro­vide our ser­vice free of charge. The val­ues giv­en under Costs — Fund­ing are not applied and are cur­rent­ly pure­ly informative.

Prices — Conditions

Gen­er­al Terms and Con­di­tions (GTC)

Create collections

You can man­age mul­ti­ple col­lec­tions. It is pos­si­ble to par­tic­i­pate in oth­er col­lec­tions and to par­tic­i­pate in oth­er col­lec­tions only as an observ­er. You can group your objects into col­lec­tions if you think it makes sense. Con­ceiv­able would be a col­lec­tion for a cer­tain local­i­ty and a sys­tem­at­ic collection.

Create objects in the collection

You can cre­ate almost any num­ber of col­lec­tion objects in each collection.

A wide vari­ety of prop­er­ties can be assigned to each col­lec­tion object. Exten­sive dialogs and pre­de­fined data are avail­able for this pur­pose. In addi­tion, images and doc­u­ments can be attached and dis­played. For analy­ses also indi­vid­u­al­ly per analy­sis. You can assign sev­er­al label types to each object. For this pur­pose, gänge types are already pre­de­fined. Each object has its own his­to­ry. This in order to doc­u­ment with­out gaps what has hap­pened to the col­lec­tion object up to the present day.


You can copy col­lec­tion items between col­lec­tions. A com­plete­ly new record will be cre­at­ed with all attached infor­ma­tion. The unique col­lec­tion num­ber remains the same. The recip­i­ent of the copy can make changes to the copy that do not affect the orig­i­nal. this is impor­tant, for exam­ple, when items from the col­lec­tion are sold or passed on.

You can also share records from your col­lec­tion as a .pdf.

languages 1
os 12
text 2