Ken Takakura, uno studente di liceo che crede negli alieni ma non nei fantasmi, e Momo Ayase, sua compagna di scuola che la pensa in maniera opposta, stanno per dare corpo alla sfida più epica di sempre. Per determinare chi tra i due ci ha visto giusto, si accordano per visitare dei luoghi legati all’occulto e agli avvistamenti di UFO, certi di trovare prove sufficienti per smentire l’altro. Nelle loro mete, però, entrambi i ragazzi saranno attesi dalla stessa, sconvolgente risposta: nessuno dei due, in realtà, aveva torto! Per indagare su uno strano incidente in cui è stata coinvolta la familgia di Jiji, Momo e Okarun decidono di accompagnare il ragazzo a casa sua; lì scoprono una stanza nascosta, priva di porte e finestre e completamente tappezzata di amuleti. Subito dopo vengono sorpresi dalla famiglia Kito, i proprietari di casa e sacerdoti del culto che venera il Grande Serpente, intenzionati a offrire in sacrificio i tre giovani... Quale sarà la vera natura di questo mostro e dell’uomo della maledizione?
This story operates and functions on the sole premise of sheer creativity and hectic love of chaos. It has very weird moments, which shouldn't work but somehow they do. The chemistry of the characters is upfront and their dynamics drive the story forward. But this volume managed to combine great character moments with unsettledness, which is rooted in the character design and depiction on the pages. Resulting in a great fast-paced read, which is filled with jokes, love triangle, sad and moving ghost backstory and weird family sacrificing children to a sandworm and kung-fu and weird alien powers. I mean, is it too much? Yes, but it works.
JIJI.... i thought you were going to annoying. i thought you were gonna fuck things up... instead we have my new favorite character. JIJI LOVE YOU MAN. the whole shit with his family and the weird people who own the house and their awful nature and then the tragic TRAGIC nature of the spirit haunting him. once again - it is wild and stupid things going on but then you have this tragic news. the spirit is just a little boy locked away wanting to play and i love how jiji wanted to help him. love you king
Muy bueno! Me encantó que fuera mucho más oscuro aunque me dio miedo algunas partes turbias que tiene. Sin duda fue de menos a más. Algunas partes tristes me mantuvieron en tensión y encontré que Jiji tuvo un buen desarrollo de personaje. El final me dejó con muchas ganas de seguir con el siguiente tomo. No me esperaba el capítulo extra pero estuvo bien bueno.
Jiji is such a great dude? He likes the same girl as another dude but is still super nice to him. His life is falling apart but he still tries to have fun. And he feels empathy for the being that almost killed his parents. Love that dude so much, plz nothing else bad happen to him
Non stop action, and another person merges with a spirit here. The bonus one shot was fun as well. The battles are intense and the bonding fun and funnily awkward at times.
This series is legit amazing! Missing more true long-term plotlines or hooks/hints for those yet, but everything else blows me away on every front. And I'm sure it will go there - though even if it won't, I'm there for the characters, vibes, laughs, romance, action, horrors, ... and these fucking Ghost-Backstories... Holy crap, every one of these truly hit me in the feels within only a couple of pages each!
It is crazy as ever. The panels were so dynamic. Turn of events were really shocking and over the top. For me, this is the best newly made manga currently. Perhaps it is not for everyone. But, for those who likes these kind of stories, this is a real gem.
OH HELL NO. THIS VOLUME WAS SO WEIRD. That kito family are so vile and creepy. Oh and stupid. The yokai backstory this volume was so sad😭😭😭 He just wanted to play with others and was misunderstood 😭😭😭. Also jiji is becoming one of my favourite characters. He’s so COOL. I hope he doesn’t turn evil😭😭😭
This is my FAVORITE Shonen Jump series by far. It’s absolutely bonkers. This is probably the best volume yet! So crazy and fun. I loved the mystery and monster in this one. I’ll be grabbing the next one to read right now!
As bonkers as ever. Basically the guys try to have some bonding time but old ladies come and try to kill them while poor Momo has to deal with creepy old guys at the bath. Overall stupid as ever, fun as ever, over the top as ever, and it's something you'll love if you don't take it too serious.
euhghhh this volume gave me the shivers the fact that that family was sacrificing people and then covering their house with concrete, CREATING A WHOLE ASS MOUNTAIN...
that's so well thought out and disturbing eeeeeh
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
oh my gosh, jiji is such a sweetheart! i didn't really like him when he was first introduced, mainly because he was a little cringey, but he's really moved me. also really like the way that the yokai all have some sort of backstory - maybe the real monsters are humanity
this volume had me LOCKED tf in. Jiji im so sorry I thought you were annoying 😔😔 you are actually such a good character with a heart of gold. Turbo Granny is also so adorable I love her. Also love the dynamic between of them!! Good stuff!!!