I have to admit that I did find this show ok. The plot was pretty much your typical shonun jump series. A boy who is a half demon wants to become an exorcist and take down satin. Together with his brother, they enroll into a excorist school and learn the ropes of being an excorist. I have seen this type of story FAR too many times. But I feel like it is done quite well. The characters are enjoyable and charming, the animation is pretty good and the story is ok. I feel like the final few episodes felt a bit too rushed, but there is a reason. It dis suprise ke when I found out why the laet few episodes were rushed, but I will explain it in my Kyoto Saga review. This was the first anime in a long, LONG time were I actually watched the dub firsr. I do have mixed feelings with it, but not what yoy are thinking. Firsr off, I cannot stand any of the male voice acting, especially the really old characters. Rim's voice actor I think was the guy who voiced Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan and thought he sounded good. The only male character who sounded really good was Yukio. That voice acting waa one of the best male voice actors I have heard in a while. But that's it, all the male's sound AWFUL. On the other hand, all the female characters sound AMAZING, which is ironic. So, all in all, a pretty sub standard show, but if you are getting into anime for the first time, give thos show a watch.