How do I find curated data and official nomenclature associated with a publication?
You can use the Reference Query Form to look up curated data and official nomenclature associated with a publication.
Alternatively, if you know the PubMed ID, enter that in the Quick Search Field. You can access the MGI Quick Search directly from the homepage, or at the upper right corner of most other MGI pages.

Accessing the Reference Query Form
On most MGI pages, you can access the Reference Query Form from the Search menu as shown in the image at right.
MGI Header

For this tutorial, open the References Query Form in a new window. Scroll down this page for further instructions.
Search Menu, References Query Form

To search for authors:
  • Begin typing a partial name in the Author entry field. An autocomplete list appears.
  • Select one item from the list. The author's name appears in the field, followed by a semicolon.
  • You must choose author names from the autocomplete list (i.e., there is no free text entry in this field.)
  • You can choose to limit the search from any author to first or last author.

The Journal field works in a similar manner to the author field. You must select a journal from the autocomplete list. This field uses journal abbreviations from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). A search for The Journal of Endocrinology will not find any references, though a search for J Endocrinol will.

You can search abstracts and titles by entering text in that field.

  • The text search stems words: it removes suffixes and searches using root words. A search for stem cell factor receptor binding searches for stem-, cell- (e.g. cellular), factor-, recept- (e.g. reception); bind- (e.g. binds).
  • Use quotation marks to enclose phrases where the specified words must come in order, with no words intervening.
  • Boolean operators (OR or AND) are not permitted.

The most relevant results appear at the top of the returned list (i.e. those containing all of the searched words). Words that match your search terms are highlighted in yellow.

You can perform a more general search and then filter the results by author, journal, year, type of data or reference type. In the banner above your results, after Filter References By: click the desired box. This will allow you to further limit your results to specific authors, journals, years or a type of MGI curated data. The filters will reduce your results to only those containing the checked items.

NOTE: If you get an error message such as "Too many Authors to filter." Modify your search or use another filter first.

  • The first column in your results provides links to PubMed and the Journal.
  • The Title column allows you to click to view the abstract.
  • The Curated Data column provides links to official nomenclature and data our curators associated with the publication, including:
    • Functional annotations (GO)
    • Genome features
    • Phenotypic alleles
    • Sequences
    • Strains

Note 1