JMIR J Med Internet Res Journal of Medical Internet Research 1438-8871 JMIR Publications Toronto, Canada v19i9e326 28935619 10.2196/jmir.8743 Viewpoint Viewpoint A Dermatologist's Ammunition in the War Against Smoking: A Photoaging App Eysenbach Gunther Burford Oksana Langley Tessa Brinker Titus Josef MD 1
Department of Dermatology and National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) University of Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 440/460 Heidelberg, Germany 49 151 7508 4347
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Enk Alexander MD 1 Gatzka Martina MD 4 Nakamura Yasuhiro MD 5 Sondermann Wiebke MD 2 3 6 Omlor Albert Joachim MD 7 Petri Maximilian Philip MD 2 3 6 Karoglan Ante MD 8 Seeger Werner MD, PhD 9 Klode Joachim MD, PhD 2 3 6 von Kalle Christof MD 10 11 12 Schadendorf Dirk MD, PhD 2 3 6
1 Department of Dermatology and National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) University Hospital Heidelberg University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany 2 Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology University-Hospital Essen University of Duisburg-Essen Essen Germany 3 German Cancer Consortium Heidelberg Germany 4 Department of Dermatology and Allergic Diseases University of Ulm Ulm Germany 5 Department of Skin Oncology/Dermatology Saitama Medical University International Medical Center Saitama Japan 6 West German Cancer Center University of Duisburg-Essen Essen Germany 7 Department of Experimental Pneumology and Allergology Saarland University Faculty of Medicine Homburg Germany 8 Department of Dermatology University Hospital Magdeburg University of Magdeburg Magdeburg Germany 9 Department of Internal Medicine Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center; Member of the German Center for Lung Research Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen Gießen Germany 10 National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany 11 Heidelberg Center for Personalized Oncology (DKFZ-HIPO) Heidelberg Germany 12 German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) Division of Translational Oncology University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany Corresponding Author: Titus Josef Brinker 092017 21 09 2017 19 9 e326 14 8 2017 30 8 2017 30 8 2017 30 8 2017 ©Titus Josef Brinker, Alexander Enk, Martina Gatzka, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Wiebke Sondermann, Albert Joachim Omlor, Maximilian Philip Petri, Ante Karoglan, Werner Seeger, Joachim Klode, Christof von Kalle, Dirk Schadendorf. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 21.09.2017. 2017

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This viewpoint reviews the perspectives for dermatology as a specialty to go beyond the substantial impact of smoking on skin disease and leverage the impact of skin changes on a person's self-concept and behavior in the design of effective interventions for smoking prevention and cessation.

dermatology smoking apps photoaging face skin tobacco tobacco cessation tobacco prevention

Most smokers start smoking during their early adolescence, often with the idea that smoking is glamorous; the problems related to impaired wound healing, erectile dysfunction, and oral cancers are too far in the future to fathom. In contrast, for the majority of teenagers, attractiveness is the most important predictor of their own self-esteem [1].

Interventions focusing on the negative dermatologic changes due to smoking have been effective in altering behavior, both in adolescence [2-4] and young adulthood [5,6]. Skin damage due to smoking that is culturally associated with a decrease in attractiveness (ie, wrinkles, early hair loss, declined capillary perfusion, pale or grayish skin [7-9]) predominantly affects the self-concept of young people with low education [1], who are at significantly greater risk for tobacco addiction [10-12] and benefit the most from abstinence [13]. After reviewing the evidence regarding facial changes due to smoking on PubMed, we designed Figure 1 in order to extrapolate the typical appearance of a smoker’s face as frequently seen and noted by dermatologists.

Normal aging versus effects of smoking a pack a day for 15 years.

First steps have been taken to disseminate this dermatologic knowledge on irreversible aesthetic damage to the _target groups and measure its effectiveness in randomized trials (ie, via the free photoaging app Smokerface, in which a selfie is altered to predict future appearance) in Germany [3,4,14,15] and Brazil [16] with a total of more than 150,000 downloads. In addition, photoaging desktop-based interventions in France [6], Switzerland [2], and Australia [5] showed promising results that justify definitive randomized trials. The relevance of skin-based appearance for individual behavior was also confirmed in the setting of skin cancer prevention [4,17-21].

Dermatology as an interdisciplinary specialty needs to go beyond the substantial impact of smoking on skin disease [22,23] and leverage the impact of skin changes on a person’s self-concept [1] and behavior [5] in the design of effective interventions for the largest cause of preventable death and disease in the western world [24]. Future dermatologic research should focus on developing, evaluating, and optimizing new ways to implement the specialty’s superior ammunition in the war against smoking.

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