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v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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OpenSearch Plugin


How do I add titles to my Collection? I can't find the right button!

There are 4 ways to move titles to your Collection:

  1. Manual (title by title)
    You will need to find the exact title you're searching and display its dedicated page (see example here). Then you just need to push this button (when you are logged in) to move this title into your Collection:

  2. Semi-manual (by full searches)
    This time you need to make a search in the Database (either simple or advanced) to get a list of results matching your query. Then simply push "Show Controls" in the left column and checkboxes/submit button will appear to let you add several titles into your Collection and/or Wishlist at the same time.

  3. Automatic (with existing lists)
    Go to the Bulk Upload. Check "Collection" as a _target and provide directly a list of references/barcodes (try to keep them less than 100 at a time, the processing takes a lot of CPU time), then confirm the results after the matching process has been completed.
  4. From Wishlist (when your wish becomes true)
    This time you need to make a search in the Database (either simple or advanced) to get a list of results matching your query. Then simply push "Show Controls" in the left column and checkboxes/submit button will appear to let you add several titles into your Collection and/or Wishlist at the same time.

How do I use the "Notes" function in my Collection?

Notes are private and will never appear on your Collection public display. It is only there to serve you to add some custom description to your own titles, especially when you have several copies of the same one, one used and one sealed for example. In every Collection lists, the control will make the Notes box appear. To cancel Notes editing, just click on and nothing will be modified.

How do I duplicate titles in my Collection?

You can through the all process of adding (see above) a title to your Collection. Or you can simply make use of the "Duplicate" function in your Collection display. Select a category where the wanted title is, click on "Show Update", select and validate > Duplicate <.

I wrongly added a title in my Collection/Laserrot List. How do I remove it?

In case of Laser Rot, just visit your Rot Report management interface, set Rot Level to 0 and validate.
Or visit your Collection display, select a category where the unwanted title is, click on "Show Update", select and validate > Remove <.

Note 4