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19+ Works 1,015 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, and was a military assistant to the former secretary of defense, the Honorable Dr. William J. Perry. Abrashoff left the Navy in 2001 and became the founder and CEO of Grassroots Leadership, Inc., in Boston

Works by Michael Abrashoff

Associated Works

The 180-Degree Turnaround — Contributor — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



A tight, concise lesson in leadership from a CO who challenged the Navy beautacracy and built the best command culture in the Pacific Fleet. His lessons can be applied to any business.
eaharms1 | 8 other reviews | Dec 14, 2023 |
Dustin Denton recommended reading this as an audiobook so I read it on one of my trip out to Little Rock MEPS. Awesome book on leadership from a navy captain's perspective. Lesson that stuck the most with me was how he went against the typical military pattern on spending all your money so you get that much again in the future. Instead, he encouraged ways to save money through conservation, hard work, and innovation. Highly recommended.
SDWets | 8 other reviews | Sep 6, 2023 |
This was the best leadership book I have read. The takeaways, which is what I look for from a book of this sort, were clear, easy to understand, and in many cases, attended with relevant supporting stories and anecdotes. I listened to the audio book read by the author and found this enjoyable. I was motivated to share it with others, which is another indicator of what I thought. The self-congratulatory tone was a bit grating at times; the fact that he changed the world he controlled but largely ignored the bigger world around him that he could have potentially affected through his peers was disappointing. But I ultimately got a lot that I valued from the book, which is what I am looking for in these situations.… (more)
afkendrick | 8 other reviews | Oct 24, 2020 |
I'm sorry and guilty for giving it 2 stars when everyone else seems to have rated it so highly. But I'm really sorry it doesn't work out for me. In my eyes, I see this book in the following way:

Some incident that happened (it can connect to whatever theory you want).
More Theory.
More Theory.
Some lecture.
Hard work is good bla bla.
Some other incident.


This is not what I was looking for. I was hoping for some kind of internal struggle maybe (in situations where we're not sure and then what decision do we take). One employee does well and he rewards him with a medal immediately. That's great! Except the only problem is in our day to day industry almost everyday someone or the other does something noteworthy. I can't just keep handing out medals or bonuses. My budget is limited.

No. What I want is what to do when someone is misbehaving. Or I'm hearing some bad rumors. Or my boss just doesn't listen. In his case he makes attempts to communicate with his boss that yields him success. Well, if that happened so easily I would call it luck. Trying to communicate an idea, trying to put yourself out there - that's not what is lacking in managers I feel. It's when you're working with a lunatic in some way - someone who doesn't listen to you at all, or a micro-manager, or someone trying to impress his own superior way overboard, or too big a responsbiility is placed on your shoulders that's even greater than you capabilies such that you feel uneasy. And then how do you go about learning, making mistakes etc?

This guy doesn't seem to make any mistakes. It feels like he's been successful without knowing the amount of struggle that other people are going through. And finally he's put together a couple of high level theories after he looks back at his experiences. That's not what I need. I want to read about a manager who's pathetic intially and slowly slowly learns some lessons, still makes more mistakes and finally learns how to say what, what to do when etc.

So I'm gonna have to give it a 2, sorry.

… (more)
MugenHere | 8 other reviews | Jul 12, 2015 |

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