Author of The Oresteia: Agamemnon / The Libation Bearers / The Eumenides
About the Author
Aeschylus was born at Eleusis of a noble family. He fought at the Battle of Marathon (490 b.c.), where a small Greek band heroically defeated the invading Persians. At the time of his death in Sicily, Athens was in its golden age. In all of his extant works, his intense love of Greece and Athens show more finds expression. Of the nearly 90 plays attributed to him, only 7 survive. These are The Persians (produced in 472 b.c.), Seven against Thebes (467 b.c.), The Oresteia (458 b.c.)---which includes Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, and Eumenides (or Furies) --- Suppliants (463 b.c.), and Prometheus Bound (c.460 b.c.). Six of the seven present mythological stories. The ornate language creates a mood of tragedy and reinforces the already stylized character of the Greek theater. Aeschylus called his prodigious output "dry scraps from Homer's banquet," because his plots and solemn language are derived from the epic poet. But a more accurate summation of Aeschylus would emphasize his grandeur of mind and spirit and the tragic dignity of his language. Because of his patriotism and belief in divine providence, there is a profound moral order to his plays. Characters such as Clytemnestra, Orestes, and Prometheus personify a great passion or principle. As individuals they conflict with divine will, but, ultimately, justice prevails. Aeschylus's introduction of the second actor made real theater possible, because the two could address each other and act several roles. His successors imitated his costumes, dances, spectacular effects, long descriptions, choral refrains, invocations, and dialogue. Swinburne's (see Vol. 1) enthusiasm for The Oresteia sums up all praises of Aeschylus; he called it simply "the greatest achievement of the human mind." Because of his great achievements, Aeschylus might be considered the "father of tragedy." (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Works by Aeschylus
The Persians; Prometheus Bound; Seven Against Thebes; The Suppliants (0458) 2,520 copies, 14 reviews
Britannica Great Books: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes (1955) — Contributor — 553 copies, 2 reviews
An Oresteia: Agamemnon by Aiskhylos; Elektra by Sophokles; Orestes by Euripides (2009) 336 copies, 6 reviews
Nine Greek Dramas by Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes (2004) — Contributor — 302 copies
The Oresteia Trilogy: Agamemnon, Choephoroe, and Eumenides; and Prometheus Bound (0458) — Author — 112 copies, 1 review
Prometheus Bound(Aeschylus) and Prometheus Unbound(Shelley) (in Slipcase) (2011) 88 copies, 3 reviews
Persians, Seven against Thebes, and Suppliants (Johns Hopkins New Translations from Antiquity) (1987) 55 copies
All That You've Seen Here Is God: New Versions of Four Greek Tragedies Sophocles' Ajax, Philoctetes, Women of Trachis;… (2015) 51 copies, 2 reviews
The Complete Aeschylus: Volume II: Persians and Other Plays (Greek Tragedy in New Translations) (2009) 48 copies
Aeschylus: Suppliant Maidens. Persians. Prometheus. Seven Against Thebes (Loeb Classical Library, No. 145) (Volume I)… (1927) 35 copies
Greek Tragedies, Volume 1 (Volume 1) 32 copies
De grekiska tragedierna : Aiskylos, Sofokles, Euripides ; i översättning av Tord Bæckström (2002) — Author — 22 copies
001: Greek Tragedies, Volume 1 17 copies
The Complete Greek Tragedies Vol. I: Aeschylus I, Agamemnon,Libation Bearers,Eumenides,Prometheus Bound (1942) — Author — 16 copies
Drama and Lyric: A Selection of Greek Drama and Poetry (Old Western Culture Reader) (2013) 15 copies
Aeschylus 8 copies
Aeschylus (In Two Volumes). Vol. I: Suppliant Maidens. Persians. Prometheus. Seven Against Thebes. Vol. II: Agamemnon.… (1936) 5 copies
The Greek Plays: 33 Plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (Modern Library Classics) (2019) 5 copies
Aeschylos: Tragedies and Fragments 5 copies
Aeschylus, Vol. 1 4 copies
Eleven Plays of the Greek Dramatists Aeschylus;Sophocles;Euripides; and aristophanes (1946) 4 copies
Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D. in two volumes. 1. Persians 4 copies
Teatro Grego 4 copies
Antologia tragedii greckiej 4 copies
The Prometheus Vinctus of Aeschylus 4 copies
Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D. in two volumes. 2.Agamemnon 4 copies
Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D. in two volumes. 2.Eumenides 4 copies
Sengrieķu traģēdijas — Author — 3 copies
Aeschylus: The suppliants, edited by H. Friis Johansen and Edward W. Whittle. Vol. 1, Bibliography. Introduction. Text… (1980) 3 copies
Aeschylus 3 copies
Aeschylus: The suppliants, edited by H. Friis Johansen and Edward W. Whittle. Vol. 3, Commentary: lines 630-1073.… (1980) 3 copies
Tragedias 3 copies
Prometheus Bound and Other Plays 3 copies
Libation Bearers (Greek) 3 copies
Tragedie 2 copies
Agamemnon : the Greek text performed at Cambridge by members of the University, February 1953 2 copies
Aeschyli Fabulae 2 copies
Le supplici; I persiani; Prometeo incatenato; I sette contro Tebe. Biblioteca Moderna Mondadori sez. Teatro; 632. (1960) 2 copies
Le tragedie, 2 voll. 2 copies
Greek Tragedies II: Tbe Libation Bearers • Electra • Iphigenia in Tauris, Electra, The Trojan Women 2 copies
Prometheus Bond 2 copies
Ικέτιδες 2 copies
Promencha 2 copies
Four Plays of Aeschylus 2 copies
Los persas 2 copies
Coefore - Eumenidi 2 copies
Prometeo encadenado 2 copies
O melhor do teatro grego: edição comentada: Prometeu acorrentado, Édipo rei, Medeia, As nuvens… (2013) 2 copies
Tutti i frammenti con la prima traduzione degli scolii antichi. Testo greco a fronte (2009) 2 copies
Coéforas 2 copies
As Coéforas - As Euménides 2 copies
Prometheus Bound [Greek text] 2 copies
ΟΡΕΣΤΕΙΑ 2 copies
Αποσπάσματα 2 copies
Fyra sorgespel 2 copies
Αισχυλου τραγωδιαι επτα. Aeschyli Tragoediae septem a Francisco Robortello nunc primum ex mstts.… 2 copies
The Prometheus Vinctus of Aeschylus, with Introduction and Critical and Explanatory Notes by E.E. Sikes and St. J.B.… (1902) 2 copies
Works of Aeschylus 2 copies
Prometheus geboeid 2 copies
The Complete Greek Tragedies Vol I 2 copies
The Oresteia of Aeschylus. Vol. 2 2 copies
Prometeo incatenato 2 copies
Four Tragedies 2 copies
Αισχυλου τραγωδιαι επτα. Aeschyli tragoediæ septem: cum scholiis græcis omnibus: deperditorum… 2 copies
Six Greek Tragedies: "Persians", "Prometheus Bound", "Women of Trachis","Philoctetes","Trojan Women", "Bacchae" (2002) 2 copies
Promethius Bound 2 copies
Eschyle. Tome 2 2 copies
Elektra 2 copies
Aeschyli Cantica 2 copies
Scènes choisies, Tome 1 1 copy
Aeschylus Fragments 1 copy
Scènes choisies, Tome 2 1 copy
Tragiques Grecs 1 copy
De Perzen 1 copy
Les Sept contre Thèbes – Les Suppliantes - Prépas scientifiques 2024-2025 – Épreuve de français-philosophie –… (2024) 1 copy
Les Grands tragiques grecs. Sophocle, Eschyle... Traductions de M. de Rochefort,... et de La Porte Du Theil,… (1906) 1 copy
Prométhée enchainé: Publié en série: Les auteurs Grecs expliqués d'après une méthode nouvelle par deux… (2001) 1 copy
Les Danas 1 copy
The Complete Plays of Aeschylus Translatd into English Rhyming Verse with Commentaries and Notes (1952) 1 copy
Tragédies: Les suppliantes - Les Perses - Les sept contre Thèbes - Prométhée enchainé - Orestie 1 copy
Electra 1 copy
Trageodiae. 1 copy
Gravoffret 1 copy
Doodenoffer Eumeniden 1 copy
Aiszkhülosz drámái 1 copy
Des Aeschylos Gefesselter Prometheus. Gr. Und Deutsch Mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen Und Dem Gelösten Prometheus Von G.F.… (2010) 1 copy
Perzen 1 copy
Eumeniderna 1 copy
Der gefsselte Prometheus 1 copy
Der gefesselte Proemetheus 1 copy
Die Totenspende. Orestie II 1 copy
Perserna 1 copy
Eschyle, tome I 1 copy
As Suplicantes 1 copy
Os Persas 1 copy
The Suppliants 1 copy
The Persians 1 copy
The Libation Bearers 1 copy
Four Plays of Aeschylus 1 copy
Complete Works of Aeschylus 1 copy
The Persians and Other Plays 1 copy
Eschyle - Théâtre Complet 1 copy
Las suplicantes 1 copy
Prometeo incantenato 1 copy
Os Persas/ Electra/ Hécuba 1 copy
The Persae 1 copy
Tragici greci 1 copy
COEFERE 1 copy
Tutte le tragedie: I persiani-I sette a Tebe-Le supplici-Prometeo incatenato-Agammenone-Le coefore-Le eumenidi. Ediz.… (2012) 1 copy
Aeschylus: Tragoediae 1 copy
Eschilo - Tutte le tragedie 1 copy
I sette a Tebe 1 copy
The Serpent Son - Oresteia — Author — 1 copy
I tragici greci 1 copy
Les suplicants ; Els perses 1 copy
Prometeo legato 1 copy
Sentencias de Esquilo 1 copy
Coéforas 1 copy
Les perses 1 copy
Prometheo Encadenado 1 copy
Eschyle Tome I, II 1 copy
Poetas dramáticos griegos 1 copy
Theatra complet 1 copy
Aeshylus Prometheus 1 copy
Aeschylus' Prometheus 1 copy
Le supplici e altri drammi 1 copy
Los Persas - La Orestiada 1 copy
Los suplicantes 1 copy
Tragèdies. III 1 copy
Tragèdies. II 1 copy
Tragedie 1 copy
Tragédies d'Eschyle 1 copy
Smeekelingen 1 copy
Eumenieden 1 copy
Doodenoffer treurspel 1 copy
Zeven tegen Thebai treurspel 1 copy
The Prometheus of Aeschylus: With Notes, for the Use of Colleges in the United States (1850) (2010) 1 copy
Aeschylus (volume I) 1 copy
Persians (Hackett Classics) 1 copy
The Libation-Pourers 1 copy
The Collected Works of Aeschylus: The Complete Works PergamonMedia (Highlights of World Literature) 1 copy
Syv mod Theben 1 copy
The Choephor? OfÆschylus 1 copy
The Discoveries of Epictetus 1 copy
Prometheus bound & other plays [omnibus cont.:] The suppliants; 7 against Thebes; The Persians 1 copy
La trilogie de la guerre : les sept contre Thèbes, les suppliantes, les Perses ; suivi de Prométhé enchaîné (2012) 1 copy
Aeschylos. Deutsch in den Versmassen der Urschrift. 1. Band: Agamemnon. Das Todtenopfer. Die Eumeniden. (2012) 1 copy
Perser 1 copy
Die Tragödien und Fragmente. Übertragen von Johann Gustav Droysen. Durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Walter Nestle.… (1950) 1 copy
The Oresteia: The House of Atreus, Being the Agamemnon, the Libitation Bearers and the Furies (2021) 1 copy
Die Tragödien und Fragmente 1 copy
Prometheus Trilogy: Prometheus Bound translated by Henry David Thoreau with fragments and descriptions of Prometheus… (2019) 1 copy
The Plays 1 copy
Aischylou tragōdiai 1 copy
Les Perses 1 copy
De geboeide Prometheus 1 copy
Επτά επό Θήβας-Πέρσαι 1 copy
Χοηφόροι-Ευμενίδες 1 copy
Προμηθεύς Δεσμώτης 1 copy
Χοηφόροι 1 copy
Αγαμέμνων 1 copy
Πέρσαι 1 copy
Αἰσχύλου Εὐμενίδες 1 copy
Επτά επι Θήβας 1 copy
Περσαι 1 copy
Προμηθευς Δεσμώτης 1 copy
Πέρσες (τόμος β') 1 copy
Πέρσες (τόμος α') 1 copy
Αισχύλου Τραγωδίαι Ζ' = Aeschyli, Tragoediae VII. Scholia in easdem, locupletata et emendata:… 1 copy
Persiani - Sette contro Tebe 1 copy
ΠΕΡΣΑΙ 1 copy
Χοηφόροι 1 copy
Aischylos 1 copy
Die Perser . Die Orestie 1 copy
Agamemnon och Medea 1 copy
Orestien. 2, Orestes 1 copy
Aeschyli Tragoediae ad Praestantium Librorum Fidem Recensuit et Animadversiones Criticas Adiecit Carol Herm Weise. (1843) 1 copy
The Eumenides 1 copy
Prometheus geboeid : uit het Grieksch van Aischylos in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht — Author — 1 copy
Tragédies. 1 copy
Aeschylus Tragödien 1 copy
Agamemnon & Medea — Author — 1 copy
Complete Greek Tragedies 1 copy
Antígone 1 copy
Os Persas 1 copy
Édipo Antigo Livro 1 1 copy
Prometheu Acorrentado - 1907 1 copy
Aeschylos' Werke Griechisch mit metrischer Uebersetzung und prüfenden und erklärenden Anmerkungen 1 copy
Il Prometeo di Eschilo 1 copy
As coéforas 1 copy
Associated Works
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 469 copies, 1 review
Three Greek Plays: Prometheus Bound / Agamemnon / The Trojan Women (1958) — some editions — 144 copies, 1 review
The Graphic Canon of Crime & Mystery, Vol. 1: From Sherlock Holmes to A Clockwork Orange to Jo Nesbø (2017) — Contributor — 35 copies, 3 reviews
Nine Great Plays: From Aeschylus to Eliot (Revised Edition) (1956) — Contributor; Contributor — 27 copies
Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Oedipus, Jason and the Argonauts and Much More - ULTIMATE MYTHOLOGY COLLECTION 50 BOOKS -… (2011) — Author, some editions — 23 copies
Oogst der tijden : keur uit de werken van schrijvers en dichters aller volken en eeuwen (1940) — Contributor — 10 copies
Het Griekse treurspel Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides : een keuze uit vertalingen van hun werken (1952) — Contributor — 5 copies
A Treasury of the Theatre; an Anthology of Great Plays From Aeschylus to Hebbel (1940) — Contributor — 4 copies
Grieksche lyriek in Nederlandsche verzen — Contributor — 3 copies
Common Knowledge
- Legal name
- Αἰσχύλος
- Other names
- Esquilo
- Birthdate
- c. 525 BCE
- Date of death
- c. 456 BCE
- Burial location
- Gela, Sicily
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- Greece
- Birthplace
- Eleusis, Attica, Greece
- Place of death
- Gela, Sicily
- Cause of death
- Hit in head with shellfish dropped by a passing eagle
- Places of residence
- Athens, Greece
Eleusis, Greece
Syracuse, Sicily
Gela, Sicily - Occupations
- tragedian
soldier - Awards and honors
- 13 victories at the Athens Dionysia
- Short biography
- Aeschylus was an ancient Greek playwright. He is credited with an estimated 92 plays, though only seven have survived into modern times. He is known to have fought at the Battle of Marathon (490 BCE), which influenced his Persians (the only surviving Greek tragedy based on contemporary events) and probably at the Battle of Salamis (480).
Born at Eleusis in 525 BCE, he started producing tragedies at Athens in 499, and had his first victory in 484. He visited Sicily at least twice, and died there at Gela in 456.
Prometheus Bound/Unbound-LEC or Heritage in George Macy devotees (November 2023)
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