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Uwem Akpan

Author of Say You're One of Them

4+ Works 2,350 Members 73 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Uwem Akpan (1971) is a Nigerian Jesuit priest and the author of Say You¿re One of Them (2008), a collection of five stories (each set in a different African country) published by Little, Brown & Company. It was picked by the Oprah Winfrey Book Club on September 17, 2009. He was born in the show more southern Nigerian village of Ikot Akpan Eda; his parents were teachers. He and his three brothers grew up speaking both English and Annang. He joined the Jesuit order at 19 in 1990 and became a priest in 2003; he later earned an M.F.A. degree in creative writing at the University of Michigan. He has also studied theology at Creighton University. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the names: Uwem, Uwem Akpan (Author)

Works by Uwem Akpan

Say You're One of Them (2008) 2,274 copies, 72 reviews
New York, My Village (2021) 73 copies, 1 review

Associated Works


Common Knowledge



This book was alright. The writer is very good at creating a sense of place. He deals with really painful subjects - and from a childs point of view - so its not painful yet - its just a blur of wondering whats actually happening. The first story was about the Rwanda genocide - very powerful. I think this book might be a good "required reading" for high school kids in the U.S. - except there is nothing here that would give them a comparison to really understand what life looks like at those times in those other places... - good book.… (more)
asl4u | 71 other reviews | Jul 21, 2024 |
This was a hard read. A lot of colloquial language that kept me from truly relating to the characters. Some stories were better than others and he definitely conveys the anguish of tribal conflicts in Africa. But I wanted to be more invested in it.
gonzocc | 71 other reviews | Mar 31, 2024 |
This was powerfully compelling book. Yet at the same time, a very difficult read. Africa is truly a land of suffering. And no one suffers more than the children. This is a collection of short stories told from the point of view of the children coping with some of Africa's most troubling problems. There are tales of childhood prostitution, childhood slavery, religious rioting between Muslims and Christians, and ethnic cleansings. All too often the only defense these innocent children have is to attempt to blend in, to remain unnoticed, to "Say You're One Of Them." Sadly, as the book demonstrates, this defense doesn't always work.… (more)
kevinkevbo | 71 other reviews | Jul 14, 2023 |
A collection of short stories by Nigerian writer Uwem Akpan, first published in 2008.
Containing five stories, each set in a different African country.
"An Ex-Mas Feast": is told from the viewpoint of a young boy living in a Nairobi slum.
The boy is given glue to sniff by his mother to quell his hunger, while his 12-year-old sister works as
a prostitute and contemplates deserting her desperate failing family.
"Fattening for Gabon": is a novella set in a small sea-side town on the outskirts of Lagos, near the border
between Nigeria and Benin. It is about a 10-year-old boy (who narrates) and his younger sister whose parents
have died of AIDS. Initially glad to be taken in by their uncle, the boy slowly begins to realize that he and
his sister are to be sold into slavery. With the payment for them, a new motorbike, already having been delivered,
the deal cannot be cancelled.
"My Parents' Bedroom": is set in Rwanda and again written in the first person, tells of a young girl with some
neighbours hiding in the ceiling of her parents' room while other adults of her hometown, neighbours and strangers
alike, take part in a brutal killing spree.
"Luxurious Hearses": another novella, it tells the story of a Muslim boy in Nigeria, disguised as a Christian,
attempting to make his way to a safe area in the midst of mass religious riots between the two faiths.
"What Language is That?": is about two young girls in Ethiopia, one Christian, one Muslim, who are forced to
break their friendship as religious tensions explode in their community.[4]
Uwem Akpan is a Nigerian writer.
Uwem's short stories and autobiographical pieces have appeared in the special editions of
The New Yorker, the Oprah magazine,Hekima Review, the Nigerian Guardian, America, etc.
Erin Lovett
… (more)
CarrieFortuneLibrary | 71 other reviews | Sep 6, 2022 |



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