Picture of author.

Ian Allan (1922–2015)

Author of British Railways Pre-Grouping Atlas and Gazetteer

138 Works 363 Members 9 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Ian Allan

Also includes: Ian Allen (2)

Works by Ian Allan

Railway Colour Album (1967) 9 copies
Industrial Steam (1994) 6 copies
Dart Valley Railway (1969) 5 copies
Modern Railways (2017) 4 copies
ABC BR 1978 Locoshed Book (1978) 4 copies
London Buses (1973) 3 copies
Locospotters' Annual 1964 (1964) 3 copies
Tribute to British Steam (1976) 3 copies
Western Steam Farewell (2004) 3 copies
The ABC of Great Western Locomotives (1945) 3 copies, 1 review
ABC of LMS Locomotives (1982) 2 copies
ABC Preserved Locomotives (1981) 2 copies
Driven by Steam (1992) 2 copies
Hornby Magazine (2000) 1 copy
Locoshed Book (1973) 1 copy
Air Combat Manoeuvres (2008) 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Date of death



This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I have just received a new Kindle Paperwhite. This book was very helpful to me in learning about how the Paperwhite works. It covers setup, features available on the Paperwhite, as well as additional things you can do to manage your device on Amazon with a web browser. It also has a section on troubleshooting for problems you might encounter. The author provides some helpful recommendations regarding options that you may want to turn on or off.

There were a couple of features I found on my Paperwhite that were not included in the book, but since I'm not likely to need them, it wasn't a big problem. I noticed in a couple of places in the book that there was a spot for a URL to go to for more information, but the URL was missing. There were also a few grammatical errors, but these were minor. Overall, I found this book very helpful in getting started with the Paperwhite. There was some functionality that was not intuitive, and the book let me know what to do. I would recommend the book to anyone new to the Paperwhite.

I received a free copy of Kindle Paperwhite User Guide 2023 through LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers program.
… (more)
atozgrl | 3 other reviews | Dec 14, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Gave me help on my new Paperwhite
cyoder44 | 3 other reviews | Nov 15, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Wonderful guide on Kindle Paperwhite! Short, easy to understand chapters that clearly explain all the ins and outs of a kindle. Great tips and tricks, I’ve had a paperwhite for years and learned many things that will increase the joy I get out of using my kindle. Great guide to keep for reference.
1 vote
Roses84 | 3 other reviews | Oct 8, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I'm not a beginner, in fact I'm on my third Kindle, but with one picture I was able to solve my most annoying problem. Whenever I needed to back up a page or two my various Kindles would go rogue on me and continue to go forward. This book includes a simple diagram showing that only a very narrow strip on the left side of the screen will respond by backing up a page while most of the screen will advance a page. Another more minor problem has been getting books I've finished reading off my Kindle. The author gives very clear directions on how to accomplish that and as soon as I have some time I will clean up and organize my Kindle.… (more)
1 vote
herzogm | 3 other reviews | Oct 8, 2023 |

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