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Author of The Golden Ass

185+ Works 6,643 Members 113 Reviews 14 Favorited

About the Author

Apuleius, of African birth, was educated in Carthage and Athens. His most famous work, The Golden Ass (c.150), is the tale of a young philosopher who transformed himself not into a bird as he had expected, but into an ass. After many adventures he was rescued by the goddess Isis. The episode of show more "Cupid and Psyche," told with consummate grace, is the most celebrated section. This romance of the declining Empire influenced the novels of Boccaccio, Cervantes, Fielding (see Vol. 1), and Smollett (see Vol. 1); Heywood used the theme for a drama and William Morris (see Vol. 1) used some of the material in The Earthly Paradise. Robert Graves's "translation abandons the aureate Latinity of Apuleius for a dry, sharp, plain style---which is itself a small masterpiece of twentieth-century prose" (Kenneth Rexroth, SR SR). The new translation by John Arthur Hanson is authoritative. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Mosaic (4th century) from Trier

Works by Apuleius

The Golden Ass (0158) 5,089 copies, 78 reviews
Cupid and Psyche (0002) — Author — 535 copies, 6 reviews
Apology (1988) 76 copies
Metamorphoseon libri XI [Latin text] (1992) 67 copies, 1 review
The God of Socrates (1984) 53 copies, 2 reviews
Apology ; Florida (1970) 44 copies, 2 reviews
Pro se de magia : apologia (1983) 18 copies
Eros e Psiquê (2000) 14 copies
Florida (1993) 13 copies
Das Märchen von Amor und Psyche (1978) — Author — 13 copies
The Golden Ass ; Apology (2007) 8 copies
Les Metamorfosis (2010) 8 copies
Amor und Psyche lateinisch und deutsch (1987) — Author — 7 copies
The short stories of Apuleius 6 copies, 2 reviews
Pronkpassages 4 copies
METAMORPHOSES T3 L7-11 (1945) 3 copies
Les Metamorfosis (2010) 3 copies
De philosophia libri (1991) 3 copies
LES METAMORFOSIS I 2 copies, 2 reviews
Metamorphosen 2 copies
Il demone di Socrate (1992) 2 copies
Della Magia 1 copy
Nowele Rzymskie — Contributor — 1 copy
Sulla magia 1 copy, 1 review
L' apologia o la magia 1 copy, 1 review
Apulée 1 copy
El asno de oro 1 copy, 1 review
Favola di Amore e Psiche 1 copy, 1 review
CUPIDO 1 copy
Das Märchen von Amor und Psyche (1994) — Author — 1 copy
Opera 1 copy
Oeuvres de Apulée (French Edition) (2012) 1 copy, 1 review
Métamorphoses, tome 2 (1989) 1 copy

Associated Works

Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture (1991) — Contributor — 581 copies, 4 reviews
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror (1979) — Contributor — 81 copies, 2 reviews
The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1951) — Original author — 81 copies
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 2 (2021) — Contributor — 76 copies
Psyche (1898) — some editions — 71 copies, 2 reviews
Roman Readings (1958) 68 copies
The Paganism Reader (2004) — Contributor — 66 copies, 1 review
Komt een Griek bij de dokter humor in de oudheid (2007) — Contributor — 25 copies
Romans grecs et latins (1958) — Contributor — 24 copies, 1 review
The Lock and Key Library (Volume 2: Mediterranean) (2007) — Contributor — 18 copies, 1 review
Great Short Novels of the World (1927) — Contributor — 15 copies
Isis: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions) (2015) — Contributor — 5 copies
Great Love Scenes from Famous Novels (1943) — Contributor — 5 copies
A Gathering of Ghosts: A Treasury (1970) — Contributor — 4 copies
Piirakkasota; valikoima huumoria — Contributor — 3 copies
Latijns leesboek (1920) — Contributor — 2 copies
Daphnis und Chloe / Amor und Psyche (1969) — Author, some editions — 1 copy


(252) 1001 (36) 1001 books (48) 2nd century (39) ancient (55) ancient literature (63) Ancient Rome (92) anthology (89) antiquity (79) Apuleius (108) classic (87) classical (60) classical literature (108) classics (379) fairy tales (120) fantasy (99) fiction (540) Folio Society (38) folklore (50) Greece (39) history (55) humor (67) Isis (34) Latin (242) Latin literature (172) literature (253) Loeb (32) magic (32) metamorphosis (32) myth (41) novel (128) philosophy (50) read (50) religion (50) Roman (107) Roman literature (113) Rome (95) short stories (56) to-read (181) translation (81)

Common Knowledge

Other names
Apuleio, Lucio
Lucius Apuleius
Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis
0125 CE (circa)
Date of death
0180 CE (circa)
Roman Empire
Country (for map)
Madauros, Numidia, Roman Empire
Places of residence
Madaura, North Africa
Carthage, North Africa
Athens, Greece
Numidia, Roman Empire
Teacher of philosophy and rhetoric
Short biography
Apuleo aŭ Apulejo - latine Apuleius, naskiĝis ĉirkaŭ 125, mortis en 164 - estis romana filozofo kaj verkisto de satiroj. Li naskiĝis en urbo Madaŭro, en Numidio (hodiaŭe Alĝerio), kaj estis grava personaĵo de sia epoka pri platona literaturo, retoriko kaj filozofio.

Li estis edukita en Kartago kaj Ateno, kaj vojaĝis tra Mediteraneo, studante ritojn de inico kaj kultojn. Li bone konis la grekajn kaj latinajn verkistojn, li instruis retorikon en Romo antaŭ reveni al Afriko kie li edziĝis al riĉa vidvino.

Li mortis en Kartago (hodiaŭe Tunizio).

Verkoj :

Opera omnia, 1621
Pro opozicio de edzina familio li verkis Apologion (173), specon de autobiografio. Li verkis ankaŭ multajn malsamajn poemojn kaj trataktojn, el tiuj Floridan, koletaneon de elokvenciaj verkoj, sed lia plej konata verko estas "La Ora Azeno", prozaĵo en 11 libroj kiun komence li nomis "Metamorfozoj". Ĝi estas la aventuroj de junulo Lucio, kiu estis transformita per magio en azenon kaj kiu nur reiĝis al homa formo per interveno de Izisa, al kies servo li konsakriĝis. La epizodo plej grava de tiu verko, la nura romanco el Antikveco kiu alvenis al nia erao, estas la bela fabelo pri Eroso kaj Psiĥa, kiun oni povas interpreti kiel alegorion je mistika unio.



I loved the humor in this book. I would have rated it higher but I wasn't at all impressed with the last chapter. It seemed to be nothing like the rest of the book.
It was a good read, though, and I can see why it's on the 1001 books to read!
Trisha_Thomas | 77 other reviews | Nov 13, 2024 |
Poniendo de lado el hecho de que es una gran obra y que sorprende la complejidad que tiene para la época y pese a su tradición literaria precedente... ¡ese burro sufrió más que Oshin!
NesiLeon | Oct 21, 2024 |
This book is truly amazing. A funny, cynical tale with quite a lot of theosophical symbolism. Amazing that it survived the onslaught of Christianity. For a book from the second century A.D., it's a surprisingly modern novel, incorporating lots of great short stories better than the much later Canterbury Tales.
spencerrich | 77 other reviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
This book is truly amazing. A funny, cynical tale with quite a lot of theosophical symbolism. Amazing that it survived the onslaught of Christianity. For a book from the second century A.D., it's a surprisingly modern novel, incorporating lots of great short stories better than the much later Canterbury Tales.
spencerrich | 77 other reviews | Jul 30, 2024 |



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Robert Graves Translator
E. J. Kenney Translator, Editor
Vincent Hunink Translator
John Hilton Translator
Stephen Harrison Translator
Regine May Editor
J. Arthur Hanson Translator, Editor
Augusts Ģiezens Translator
J. van der Vliet Translator, Editor
P. G. Walsh Translator
F. J. Harvey Darton Introduction
Ismar David Cover designer
Michael Ayrton Illustrator
Martin van Maële Illustrator
E. V. Rieu Editor
Jack Lindsay Translator
Quentin Blake Illustrator
Jens Braarvig Introduction
T. E. Page Editor
Philip Hagreen Illustrator
M.A. Schwartz Translator
Federico Roncoroni Introduction
Joel C. Relihan Translator
Charles Whibley Introduction
Nino Marziano Translator
Henning Mørland Translator
Rafael Matoses Translator
Walter Pater Adaptation
Kurt Steinmann Translator, Editor
Tusnelda Translator
J. H. Mason Printer
Errol Le Cain Illustrator
Vivien Gribble Illustrator
Rudi van der Paardt Introduction
C. P. Jones Translator


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