Peter Archer (disambiguation)
"Peter Archer" is composed of at least 9 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Peter Archer (3)
Freedom at Stake 2 copies
Peter Archer (unknown)
Doctor Who and the Daleks (1964) — Illustrator, some editions; Cover artist, some editions — 577 copies, 10 reviews
The Book of Viking Myths: From the Voyages of Leif Erikson to the Deeds of Odin, the Storied History and Folklore of… (2017) 70 copies
Dinler Tarihi 101: Allah’tan Zen-Budizm’e, Dünya Dinlerini Şekillendiren Önemli Kişiler, Ritüeller Ve… (2019) 4 copies
The Book of Viking Myths 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- PA #1 - former Executive Editor of Wizards of the Coast Books, has authored and edited fantasy and roleplaying-related titles, and has used the pen name Francis LeBaron. The identity of the other authors is unknown.
PA #2 - adapted Baum’s Road to Oz for the Little Golden Book and was the pen name of Kathryn and Byron Jackson, who wrote hundreds of stories for Golden Books.
PA #3 - 1926-2012, British Labour Party politician (Baron Archer of Sandwell)
PA #4 - author of The Quotable Intellectual
PA #5 - Official Court Correspondent at Buckingham Palace in 2003 when William was written (photographs by Tim Graham).
PA # 6 -1873-?, author of The Christian Calendar and the Gregorian Reform
PA # 7 - co-writer with Mary Danby of the Armada Ghost Books - most of the works are on her author page.