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Ludovico Ariosto (1474–1533)

Author of Orlando Furioso

125+ Works 2,795 Members 42 Reviews 10 Favorited

About the Author

Born in Reggio, Italy, in 1474, Ludovico Ariosto lived most of his life in Ferrara, in northern Italy. He enjoyed the patronage first of Cardinal Ippolito and then of the cardinal's brother, Alfonso, Duke of Este, who had been his inseparable companion in youth. Aristo composed a mock epic of show more chivalry titled Orlando Furioso. It appeared in 1516 and 1521 before the definitive edition of 1532. Hegel observed that Ariosto prepared the way for the treatment of chivalry in Cervantes's Don Quixote and Shakespeare's Falstaff in a gently veiled humor. A translation of Orlando Furioso into English heroic verse by Sir John Harrington was published in 1591, but by then Edmund Spenser had already sought to outdo Ariosto's epic in his own Faerie Queene. Walter Scott read a translation by John Hoole in 1783, and Byron drew on it for his Don Juan. In addition to the mock epic, Ariosto wrote many lyric poems in Latin and Italian, seven satires in terza rima, and five comedies in unrhymed lines of 11 syllables. His satires were read and imitated by Thomas Wyatt. One of his comedies, I suppositi, was translated and adapted into English by George Gascoigne and performed at Gray's Inn in 1566. It provided Shakespeare with much of the content and inspiration for The Taming of the Shrew. Ariosto died on July 6,1533. (Bowker Author Biography) Ludovico Ariosto was born on September 8, 1474 in Italy. Although his father had planned for him to have a legal career and he reluctantly studied law, he eventually turned to the study of literature. This was abruptly halted by the death of his father in 1500 and Ludovico, as the eldest, had to support his nine younger siblings. To this end, he spent the majority of his life in the service of the Este family of Ferrara. Ariosto wrote many popular plays, poems, and satires. The poem Orlando Furioso is his masterpiece and is considered one of the greatest embodiments of the literary and spiritual ideas of the Italian Renaissance. A long narrative written in octave stanzas, it consists of several episodes deftly modeled on epics, romances, and heroic poems. His seven Satires reveal his sorrow at his inability to complete his literary studies. Other works include Cassaria, La Lena, and I Suppositi, particularly notable because they were written in the vernacular. Ariosto spent his last years of life in Ferrara married to Alessandra Benucci, during which time he revised Orlando Furioso. He died on July 6, 1533. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Ludovico Ariosto. From Bibliothek des allgemeinen und praktischen Wissens. Bd. 5" (1905). Wikimedia Commons.


Works by Ludovico Ariosto

Orlando Furioso (1516) — Author — 1,438 copies, 20 reviews
Orlando Furioso, Part One (1516) — Author — 486 copies, 8 reviews
Roland furieux, T. 2 (1532) 304 copies, 3 reviews
Satire (1534) — Author — 35 copies
Opere minori (1976) — Author — 14 copies
Ludovico Ariosto (2015) 11 copies
The comedies of Ariosto (1975) 9 copies
La Lena (1998) 7 copies
Supposes (1999) 6 copies, 1 review
Supposes and Jocasta; (2008) 5 copies
Rime (2014) 5 copies
Poesie latine — Author — 4 copies
Opere 4 copies
4: Commedie (2007) — Author — 4 copies
Lirica — Author — 3 copies
Rime per il canzoniere (2021) 2 copies
Lettere dalla Garfagnana (2008) 2 copies
Opere varie 1 copy
Orlando Furioso 4 (1978) 1 copy
Lena 1 copy
Ariosto (1993) 1 copy
Tales from Ariosto (2021) 1 copy
Tres sátiras 1 copy, 1 review
Versi d'amore (2020) 1 copy

Associated Works

Golden Cities, Far (1970) — Contributor — 83 copies
Doré's Illustrations for Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso" (1980) — Contributor — 71 copies, 2 reviews
Alcina [sound recording] (2000) — Author of original text — 24 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



Italo Calvino's Orlando Furioso raccontato da Italo Calvino offers a captivating retelling of Ludovico Ariosto's epic Orlando Furioso, presenting it through Calvino's distinct narrative lens. This adaptation is not just a retelling but an insightful reinterpretation that makes the complex medieval narrative accessible to contemporary readers.

Suitability for Studying:
Calvino's version is an excellent resource for literature students, particularly those interested in epic poetry and narrative techniques. The book simplifies Ariosto's intricate plot and character relationships, providing a clearer understanding of the original work's themes and structure. Calvino's modern prose and annotations bridge the gap between the Renaissance and today's readers, making it a valuable study tool for exploring literary adaptations and narrative evolution.

Inspiration for Fantasy Novelists:
For fantasy novelists, Calvino's retelling offers rich material for inspiration. The dynamic characters, magical elements, and epic quests in Orlando Furioso can spark ideas for creating elaborate fantasy worlds. Calvino's fresh perspective on these elements can help writers craft engaging plots and complex characters, enriching their fantasy storytelling.

Orlando Furioso raccontato da Italo Calvino is both a scholarly asset and a source of creative inspiration, bridging classical literature with modern literary exploration.
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luminescencegoh | 7 other reviews | Aug 13, 2024 |
A ripping yarn!

Ariosto's purpose, according to the introduction, was to entertain -- and he admirably succeeded.

This verse epic has everything: knights, evil sorcerers, good sorcerers, Christians, Pagans, love, lust, rape, sodomy, and even some virtue here and there.

Cross-dressing knights? Check. Visit to the Underworld? Check, followed by a trip to the moon (to recover lost wits, naturally). Gender-bending female knight who's constantly saving her boyfriend? Check and check (and mate).

There's a manipulative damsel-in-distress who blueballs each knight in turn, with each new suitor doing the dirty work of ridding her of the previous. The titular Orlando spends half the work rampaging through Europe like the Hulk, naked and unstoppable. There are so many characters in this thing that even the swords have names -- as do the horses, and possibly even a saddle or two.

Barbara Reynold's translation is a lot of fun, and a remarkably fast read given its length.
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mkfs | 7 other reviews | Aug 13, 2022 |
This Slavitt translation is NOT a COMPLETE Orlando: it omits ten complete books, not counting individual lines from some cantos. Very disappointing, as Amazon etc. omit this detail; the index is rubbish. The translation tries awful hard to be 'modern.'
1 vote
JeffersonBallard | 19 other reviews | May 7, 2022 |
I read the 1831 verse translation by William Stewart Rose. However there are a small number of pieces missing in that translation which i filled in using the 1591 translation by John Harrington.

Epic italian poem, featuring knights, damsels, magic and the occasional monster. Its not so much a single story as an entire library of them all mixed together. Set against the backdrop of the Moors invading France. This gives the work a lot more cohesion than other epics like the Faerie Queene.
The author does a pretty good job of reminding you who's who and whats been happening, whenever he switches characters. This helps a lot and i wasn't often confused about which character was which.
The best thing about this is the moral greyness of it all. It really is almost 'Game of Thrones' in places. Heroes lie, make bad deals to save their own skin, kill hundreds of soldiers or farmers, and in one intance tried to rape some woman who they just rescued.
I do have to say it has a LOT less attempted sexual assaults than the Faerie Queene, but a lot more consensual sex. It also has less monsters and magical creatures than than Spenser's work but i like that, it means that when things do get strange it has more of an impact.
A few of minor issues, one is the lists of famous people rammed in to the work here and there, these are only of interest to people of the day or historical scholars, but are easily skippable.
The other thing that can annoy is the structure, most of the switches between character are fine but occasionally it happens at an exciting moment and instead of hearing what happens next your forced to get through a completely unrelated plot before getting back to the action.
Also this is a direct sequel to the unfinished 'Orlando Innamorata' and while the version i read contained a quick summary of events from that work i still felt confused at the start and on occasions when it refers back to previous events from Innamorata.
Overall despite not being able to read it in its native language, its REALLY good. There's just so much in here and some of it is just the right amount of morally gray for a modern audience to appreciate. Oh and there's some kick ass females in here aswell.
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wreade1872 | 19 other reviews | Nov 28, 2021 |



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