Aristophanes (disambiguation)
"Aristophanes" is composed of at least 0 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Aristophanes (unknown)
Four Texts on Socrates: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito and Aristophanes' Clouds (1998) — Author — 683 copies, 4 reviews
Britannica Great Books: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes (1955) — Contributor — 554 copies, 2 reviews
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 461 copies, 1 review
Nine Greek Dramas by Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes (2004) — Contributor — 300 copies
The Graphic Canon, Vol. 1: From the Epic of Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Dangerous Liaisons (2012) — Contributor — 283 copies, 7 reviews
Aristophanis Comoediae. Tomus II: Lysistratam, Thesmophoriazusas, Ranas, Ecclesiazusae, Plutum, Fragmenta, Indicem… (1922) 87 copies, 1 review
6 Plays: Birds / Lysistrata / Women at the Thesmophoria / Frogs / Assembly-Women / Wealth (0414) 73 copies, 1 review
4 Plays: Lysistrata / Women at the Thesmophoria / Assembly-Women / Wealth (1924) 56 copies, 1 review
Plays of the Greek Dramatists:Selections from Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides & Aristophanes (1939) — Contributor — 52 copies
The Great Books Foundation, Set Three, Volume Four: Aristophanes / Aquinas (1966) — Contributor — 17 copies
Oogst der tijden : keur uit de werken van schrijvers en dichters aller volken en eeuwen (1940) — Contributor — 10 copies
New Comedy: Women in Power / Wealth / The Malcontent / The Woman from Samos (1994) 10 copies, 2 reviews
Great Books: Lysistrata, Poetics & Elements of Geometry (Book I) (Fourth Year, Vol 2) (1956) 7 copies
Griekse varia : bloemlezing uit de werken van een vijftiental Griekse dichters en prozaschrijvers (1956) — Contributor — 6 copies
Wasps and Other Plays: A new verse translation, with introduction and notes (Oxford World's Classics) (2024) 5 copies
A Treasury of the Theatre; an Anthology of Great Plays From Aeschylus to Hebbel (1940) — Contributor — 4 copies
Comèdies. IV 4 copies
Plays 4 copies
Scholia in Aristophanem. Pars 2, Fasc. II: Scholia Vetera et Recentiora in Aristophanis Pacem (1978) 3 copies
Commedie: Le Nuvole; Gli Uccelli; Le donne alle Temosforie; Le Rane; Le donne all’assemblea 3 copies
2 Plays: Clouds / Wealth 3 copies
The Birds (A Full-Length Play by Aristophanes Arranged for the Stage by Walter Kerr) (1952) 3 copies
Lysistrata, Picasso 1962 3 copies
The Plays of Aristophenes: A Metrical Version with Notes and an Essay on Aristophanic Comedy (The New Universal… (1910) 2 copies
Le Commedie 2 copies
Scenes from the Birds of Aristophanes: With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, and Appendices (1963) 2 copies
Five comedies of Aristophanes 2 copies
Aristophanis fabulae 2 copies
2 Plays: Peace / Lysistrata 2 copies
Le commedie: Vol. I. Prolegomeni. Edizione critica e traduzione a cura di R[affaele] Cantarella 2 copies
Greek comedy 2 copies
Die Frösche [2] Kommentar 2 copies
Aristophanes 2 copies
Komödien Bd. 2 [...] 2 copies
Comèdies, vol. IV 2 copies
Comèdies, vol. II 2 copies
Comèdies, vol. I 2 copies
Aristophanes 2 copies
Antīkā komēdija — Author — 2 copies
The Frogs and 3 Other Plays 1 copy
Žabe 1 copy
Nine Greek Dramas 1 copy
Lysistrata 1 copy
Aristophanes Comedies 1 copy
Thesmophoriazusae 1 copy
Lysistrata in Three Acts 1 copy
Comedies, Volume 1 1 copy
Comedies, Volume 2 1 copy
Teatroselecto de Aristofanes 1 copy
Lisistrata: As nuvens 1 copy
Aristophanis Comici Quae Supersunt Opera, Vol. 1: Undecim Fabulas Superstites Continens (Classic Reprint) (Latin… (2017) 1 copy
The Comedies of Aristophanes, Vol. 2 of 2: Translated Into Familiar Blank Verse, with Notes, Preliminary Observations… (2017) 1 copy
Historias de Aristofanes 1 copy
Le nuvole 1 copy
The Frogs (Greek Comedy) 1 copy
Comoediae (tomus I) 1 copy
Aristophanes Comedies, Vol. I: Now for the first time literally and completely translated from the Greek tongue into… (1931) 1 copy
Aristophanes Comoedias vol. 2: Aves, Lysistratum, Thesmophoriazusas, Ranas, Ecclesiazusas, Plutum 1 copy
Banchettanti : i frammenti 1 copy
Aristophanes (4 volumes) 1 copy
ARISTOPHANES Acharnians 1 copy
The Frogs (Ranae) 1 copy
Lysistrata {} 1 copy
Des Aristophanes Werke 1 copy
Komödien. [Bd. 2]: Die Acharner. Der Frieden. Die Ekklesiazusen oder die Weiberherrschaft. Die Wespen. Die… (1958) 1 copy
Aristophanes Frogs 1 copy
Komödien Bd. 1 [...] 1 copy
Aristophanes Comoediae 1 copy
Aristophanis Comoediae undecim, Graece et Latine, ex codd. mss. emend., cum scholiis antiquis ... 1 copy
Great Farces 1 copy
The Comedies Of Aristophanes: A New And Literal Translation From The Revised Text Of Dindorf, With Notes And Extracts… (2011) 1 copy
The Comedies of Aristophanes: A New and Literal Translation, From the Revised Text of Dindorf, With Notes and Extracts… (2016) 1 copy
Aristophanes 1 copy
Los pajaros / Birds: Las Ranas. Las Asambleistas (El Libro De Bolsillo) (Spanish Edition) (2005) 1 copy
Women in Parliament 1 copy
Komödien Bd. 3 [...] 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 1 1 copy
8 Plays: Assembly-Women / Birds / Clouds / Frogs / Lysistrata / Peace / Wasps / Women at the Thesmophoria (2009) 1 copy
The Knights of Aristophanes & The Birds of Aristophanes. The Greek Texts Revised with a Translation into Corresponding… (1910) 1 copy
Aristophane Tome I-V 1 copy
Antike Komödien in drei Bänden - Aristophanes / Plautus / Terenz (Winkler Dünndruck Ausgabe) (1991) — Author — 1 copy
Le Commedie. Volume II. 1 copy
Le Commedie 1 copy
Ausgewählte Komödien. 1 copy
Le comedie 1 copy
2 Plays: Acharnians / Clouds 1 copy
Acarnenses, Os 1 copy
2 Plays: Clouds / Wasps 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 5 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. VI 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 2 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 3 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 4 1 copy
Comèdies, vol. 6 1 copy
Historias de Aristófanes 1 copy
Five Comedies 1 copy
Rãs 1 copy
Plutus 1 copy
Ειρήνη 1 copy
Lüszisztraté - komédia 1 copy
Comoedia Plutus cum Bergleri ac Dukeri integris Küsteri vero at que Hemsterhusii selectis notis 1 copy
Πλούτος 1 copy
Πλούτος 1 copy
Νεφέλες 1 copy
Ιππείς 1 copy
Εκκλησιάζουσες 1 copy
os Cavaleiros 1 copy
Комедии : в 2-х томах. Том 2 1 copy
The Eleven Comedies, Vol 1 1 copy
The Wasps 1 copy
The Knights 1 copy
Acharnians 1 copy
Le commedie. Volume II 1 copy
Komödien 1 copy
2 Plays: Peace / Wealth 1 copy
Le commedie di Aristofane 1 copy
Lisistrata (Spanish Edition) 1 copy
Ekonomska komedija 1 copy
Greek Comedy 1 copy
Ptice 1 copy
Demagoška komedija 1 copy
As nuvens 1 copy
Comedias (Spanish Edition) 1 copy
Five Comedies - Aristophanes 1 copy
2 Plays: Knights / Clouds 1 copy
Αχαρνείς 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- This author page should not be divided. An ongoing bug is preventing some previously divided author pages from being saved as a single author. See this discussion.