Christopher Armstrong (disambiguation)
"Christopher Armstrong" is composed of at least 4 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Christopher Armstrong (2)
Blue Skies and Boiler Rooms: Buying and Selling Securities in Canada, 1870-1940 (1997) 10 copies, 1 review
The Revenge of the Methodist Bicycle Company: Sunday Streetcars and Municipal Reform in Toronto, 1888-1897 (1977) 7 copies
Moose Pastures and Mergers: The Ontario Securities Commission and the Regulation of Share Markets in Canada, 1940-1980 (2001) 7 copies
The Politics of Federalism: Ontario's Relations with the Federal Government 1867-1942 (1981) 4 copies
Christopher Armstrong (unknown)
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- #1 Armstrong, Christopher J. R., 1935- author of Evelyn Underhill.
#2 Armstrong, Christopher, 1942- author of The revenge of the Methodist Bicycle Company (LC 78033185)
#3 Armstrong, Christopher, contributer to Dragons, phantoms, & secrets.