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Works by Danielle Bean


Common Knowledge



When my daughter was young, reading a Catholic family magazine led me to find an entire community of Catholic mom bloggers. I wasn't actually Catholic myself, but a convergence of several events going on in my life at the time led me both to the religion, and to the community, which I found throughout my daughter's early life to be a great source of inspiration and comfort, both in a religious way, and as a new mother seeking guidance. These Catholic moms seemed to have everything that I had wanted as a parent. They had large, close-knit families. They taught their children traditional, practical skills, classical history, literature and philosophy in their homeschools. They loved to cook. I wanted to be the kind of mom they were, so that my children would grow up feeling such a strong sense of home, and be well-rounded and cherished. Danielle's books and blog were like listening to the big sister I never had. I am not Catholic now, but I do think that even if you are not Catholic, Danielle, and the group of Catholic moms that used to blog together of which she was a part, can provide a lot of support, especially when you are at the beginning of your parenthood journey, as wiser folks who have been there before you. There is a great deal of insight and compassion in her work. I still admire her.… (more)
anniebairre | Aug 10, 2022 |
So much about our world today is empty and cold. If some of that emptiness and coldness has seeped into your heart, I pray this book will warm you, just a bit, to the idea that you were made for something better, something bigger, and something new. You were made for an intimate relationship with a God who knows you and loves you inside and out.
StFrancisofAssisi | 1 other review | Nov 21, 2020 |
Danielle Bean provides much-needed encouragement to all women. Momnipotent validates the dignity and importance of motherhood by helping mothers to recognize 8 uniquely feminine strengths, and how to use those strengths to find peace, purpose, balance, and joy in being the woman God created and called them to be.
StFrancisofAssisi | Mar 11, 2020 |
I read this via an Amazon KINDLE Unlimited download.

Ever since Helen Reddy had released her song “I Am Woman”, women have declared:

Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman

However, when it comes to Christian women something far more spiritual needs to be included, since they seek to become closer to the Lord as well as Mary, the woman who bore His seed. While all women desire to simply learn what it means to be one, Christian women also desire to learn to be one in the eyes of the Lord.

Young women need some sort of mother figure, and older women need to have a sister, to help them realize that they need to accept and to nurture their God-given abilities of accessibility/understanding to/of others. Along with this is their ability to be compassionate to anyone’s suffering and an unceasing generosity of giving themselves to others out of sheer love. And with her desire in making sure her readers will become this kind of women, just like most perfect of all women, the Lord’s mother, Mary of Nazareth; the author of this book, Danielle Bean, becomes the woman I’d mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, with the addition of the real-world advice that will help them achieve their goals of being a woman.

Yet what good is it for women to know the truth about themselves and their unique purposes without having the knowledge of the Lord’s words which can be found in the scripture of the Good Book. The secular world these days are fraught with a distorting multitude of ideas which intrude on this from happening in the manner the Lord has intended it to be. The remedy for this can be found in the second portion of this author’s devotional manual for all of her Christian “sisters” which is designed to bring forth their true womanliness including that of being a feminist, regardless of their status in society, their age, etc. For having done all of this, as a reviewer of Christian books, I’m glad to give Ms. Bean the 5 STARS she so richly deserves.
… (more)
MyPenNameOnly | May 29, 2019 |

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