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James Beard (1) (1903–1985)

Author of Beard on Bread

For other authors named James Beard, see the disambiguation page.

James Beard (1) has been aliased into James A. Beard.

67 Works 5,947 Members 27 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Photo by Paul Child


Works by James Beard

Works have been aliased into James A. Beard.

Beard on Bread (1973) 980 copies, 7 reviews
James Beard's American Cookery (1972) 668 copies, 2 reviews
The James Beard Cookbook (1970) 385 copies, 1 review
The New James Beard (1981) 351 copies
James Beard's Menus for Entertaining (1965) — Author — 249 copies, 3 reviews
Delights and Prejudices (1971) 243 copies, 1 review
Beard on Pasta (1983) 182 copies
James Beard's Fish Cookery (1967) 84 copies, 1 review
The Armchair James Beard (1999) 82 copies
Treasury of outdoor cooking (1960) 76 copies
Beard on Birds (1989) 64 copies, 1 review
James Beard's Simple Foods (1993) 63 copies
Barbecue with Beard (1975) 60 copies
Paris cuisine (1952) 23 copies, 1 review
House & Garden Cookbook (1988) 18 copies
Cook it outdoors (1941) 10 copies, 1 review
Beard on Entertaining (1987) 7 copies


Common Knowledge



One of oldest cookbooks - now a collection of pages tied with string. I have prob. made the banana bread over 100 times.
laurenbufferd | 6 other reviews | Nov 14, 2016 |
I'm always astonished by what this book turns out to have in it that is nowhere else: sweet and sour sturgeon, raw apple cake (the best use ever for slightly aged apples in the fruit bowl), on and on. Plus all the great stories.
revliz | 1 other review | Jun 14, 2015 |
I opened this book and scanned the TOC and said, "What? No grouse?"

Well it turns out that the original book, published in 1944 as "Fowl and Game Cookery", included grouse, along with "squirrel, possum, raccoon, skunk and other four-footed game". Grouse and game were dropped for the 1979 edition because they were no longer available to the average person.

So here we come to the problem of reissuing older cookbooks. Do you copy the original book or update it? I bought a book not too long ago that was about a famous food writer post-WW2. The recipes had been updated by a young woman chef whose mother was only a twinkle when the recipes were written. The update was ridiculous and totally unneeded. Anyone who does not know that people cooked differently back then is woefully uninformed.

Here the revisions are not so heavy handed. Beard himself made the first changes in 1979, dropping the mammals and increasing the number of chicken and turkey recipes. The grouse flew away then.

This Open Road edition seems to be from 1999 and I am not sure that it, of all the editions, is the one I would have chosen. In 1999 few people had access to the wealth of hand-reared birds we have today. I am also put off by the 1999 editor's note that butter and cream had been reduced. Phooey on that. I think the 1999 edition was chosen because it has an intro by Julia Child. Younger readers who might not know of James Beard will be attracted by the mention of Julia Child. (It is a bit of a scam that the same intro used in the other books in the 1999 series.) I would rather read about the skunk.

This is not a modern cookbook. It is not chatty. It is not full of recipes from exotic places. It is not bloated with big pictures. Recipes, ma'am, just recipes. Recipes for excellent food in the style of a bygone era of American cooking.

I received a review copy of "Beard on Birds" by James Beard (Open Road Integrated Media) through NetGalley.com. The original book was published in 1944 and has been revised and reissued in 1979, 1989, 1999, and 2001.
… (more)
Dokfintong | Mar 19, 2015 |
I have been using this, off and on, since the early 1980's, and it entirely deserves its status as a classic.
jsburbidge | 6 other reviews | Jan 15, 2015 |



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