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J.A. Belfield

Author of Called

19+ Works 105 Members 15 Reviews


Works by J.A. Belfield

Called (2011) 27 copies, 4 reviews
Blue Moon (2012) 12 copies, 1 review
Paranormal Unbound (2022) — Author — 11 copies
Curse of Christmas: A Collection of Paranormal Holiday Stories (2020) — Author — 9 copies, 1 review
Caged (2013) 7 copies, 2 reviews
Unnatural (2014) 6 copies, 1 review
Instinct (2015) 5 copies, 1 review
Eternal (2012) 4 copies, 2 reviews
Resonance (2013) 4 copies, 1 review
Hereditary (2014) 2 copies, 1 review
Make Believe 1 copy, 1 review
Fated Encounter (2011) 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge



This book was amazing, I really liked how J.A. Belfield wrote it.
Jem had dreams, they seemed so real to her, the same person always there, Sean and turning into a wolf. So when she finds out Sean is a real person she feels that she already knows him, the problem is that she is trapped in an awful marriage where she is controlled.
At the beginning I of the book I was so cross with Jem, allowing her husband to get away with the things he did to, however, as the book progressed I admired her, she turned into a strong woman who would not let anyone treat her that way anymore.
All of the wolf pack were likeable as were Jem’s friends, the twist was really good and I was hooked from start to finish. Bring on book 2!

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StressedRach | 3 other reviews | Jun 14, 2023 |
This review is based on: Cursed by Christmas, Dynasty of Blood Saga: A Christmas Story by Stephany Wallace

Such a fun Christmas story filled with vampires, witches, and one amazingly sweet baby gargoyle. After reading this gem I'm definitely going to check out the DYNASTY OF BLOOD series its from. I was happily surprised to learn one didn't necessarily need to have read the books prior to this novella. Suffice to say family is the theme of this super quick and enjoyable read. Whether by blood or choice, family is the heart of.our lives. This year more than most, this book resonated with me for the love these characters had for their family.… (more)
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
I really wanted to like this book, the blurb was promising. The whole reincarnation process to meet the man you are destined to be with was a different twist, even if he winds out being the reason you die at the end.

The paranormal aspect of it had good elements, but not enough as there were moments when the story was simply stale and slow moving. A lot of time spent just being sat around, drinking coffee and staring into nothingness. The true action was nonexistent.

At the end that wasn't what made me pack it in, it was Jem's husband, and her behavior towards him. He is a wife beater and an abuser of the worst kind. I can understand some decisions Jem made, as a victim of long term abuse. This lasted for a short while, until she simply started acting stupid. One moment she will do an incredibly brave thing and run away from her husband that beats her senseless to have some time with Sean, then in the next breath she will demand to go home to the same asshole, knowing that he might kill her. It didn't add up. It became torturous at the end to read it. I simply couldn't stomach it.

I read quite a lot of stories that depicted all kinds of abuse, so that element was not the problem. In Darkness & Light it was simply used as a reason Sean and her couldn't be together from page one, and to top it off the execution was terrible. At the end i simply didn't care what happened to her.
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IvieHill | 3 other reviews | Aug 6, 2015 |
As an avid reader of werewolf fiction, I'm always curious to see how an author approaches transformations; personally I prefer the painful change as opposed to the *poof* version, and J.A. Belfield nailed it with this short. Knowing you're going to shift must be scary enough to begin with, but being totally in the dark about what's coming would be downright frightening, and having your equally clueless mother witness the whole ordeal adds a whole other level of crazy to an already loco situation. Then, have your BFF join the party, and the normal train has officially left the station. All of the characters' reactions felt legit, and the intensity of Gabe's predicament ensured that HEREDITARY was a heart pounding novella from beginning to end. If you're looking for a quick taste of this author's werewolves, look no further. ~ 4.5 stars… (more)
RabidReads | Mar 10, 2015 |

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