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Rosie Blake

Author of The Hygge Holiday

6+ Works 126 Members 6 Reviews

Works by Rosie Blake

The Hygge Holiday (2017) 63 copies, 1 review
How to Stuff Up Christmas (2015) 27 copies, 3 reviews
How to Get a (Love) Life (2015) 19 copies, 1 review
How to Find Your (First) Husband (2016) 10 copies, 1 review
The Gin O'Clock Club (2020) 4 copies
Made in Heaven (1972) 3 copies

Associated Works

Sunlounger 1 (2013) — Contributor — 6 copies


Common Knowledge



I thought I’d absolutely love this book but unfortunately I just couldn’t warm to the main character Isobel at all! I found her completely head wrecking! But I liked the premise of the story and that’s what I’m giving the 3 stars for.
thewestwing | Aug 12, 2022 |
This is a nice festive read, which you will love if you are a dog lover. The book is similar in style to Cressida McLaughlin’s books so if you are a fan of hers, you should check this out.
thewestwing | 2 other reviews | Aug 12, 2022 |
Hygge is hot right now, so it's not surprising that a search for books with that word in the title would bring up at least one romance. This was the first book I had read by Rosie Blake, and I hope there will be more. The story of Clara Kristensen, a Danish expat in England, and how she brings hygge to the depressed village of Yulethorpe, learns to deal with her past, and finds love was well-written and quite enjoyable. Write on, Ms. Blake!
auntieknickers | Jun 23, 2020 |
This book has an absolutely gorgeous cover with sparkly lettering and mouthwatering gingerbread but, getting a hint from the title, we get the impression that this isn't going to be a story full of sparkle and sweetness.

As much as I liked the characters of heart-broken Eve and hunky vet Greg, it was Eve's dog Marmite who stole my heart. When Eve's ex-boyfriend, Liam, broke her heart, she took Marmite as revenge as she knew how much he loved the dog. As the story unfolds, Marmite is pivotal in mending Eve's broken heart and she finds out how much she really does love Marmite after all.

There was a really good will they/won't they going on with Eve and Greg that had me guessing right up to the very end. Eve, understandably, is finding it hard to trust again and Greg has personal issues to deal with. I kept thinking that the stars were about to align but then something happens and I thought fate was perhaps trying to tell them something. I was also wrong in my guess as to whose body part caused the breakup between Liam and Eve, as Rosie Blake had very cleverly drawn my attention elsewhere.

The recipes at the start of some chapters were a lovely addition and give us a hint as to what culinary delight Eve was going to attempt next. I say 'attempt', as Eve is not known for her cooking and you just knew that every time she heads into the kitchen a disaster is ready to strike. Disaster or not, the prawn and leek linguine sounds delicious and I'll be copying out that recipe to try myself, with fully defrosted prawns of course.

This is not just a simple love story; there are surprises and twists with lots of laughs, making it the perfect festive read.

I received this book from the publisher, Corvus, in exchange for an honest review.
… (more)
Michelle.Ryles | 2 other reviews | Mar 9, 2020 |

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