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Georgie Blalock

Author of The Other Windsor Girl

4 Works 294 Members 19 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Georgie Blalock


Common Knowledge




What a disappointment! I read two thirds of the book (over 200 pages) without a hint of the conspiracy that was promised in the book’s title. I had had enough by then as the story was dragging, so I skimmed the rest and then read the last chapter to provide closure.

I have read many historical fiction accounts of the Royals as well as numerous World War II novels, so this book was a good fit as far as topic. The research and the writing were topnotch, the character development was vivid, and the concept was intriguing – Americans Wallis Simpson and her (fictional) Cousin Amelia Montague are living in Europe before and during the outbreak of WWII.

Yes, that’s really what this book is about – the two women, their aspirations and how they survive during a time when success most often depended on husbands and money.

The picturesque European setting and the evocative descriptions of furniture and clothing were not enough to carry the weak plot. Wallis Simpson (the Duchess of Windsor) was an unsympathetic character and I never really connected with Amelia. By the time (nearly two thirds of the novel) Britain declared war on Germany, it was anticlimactic.

This book held such promise but ultimately didn’t work for me.
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PhyllisReads | 1 other review | Sep 5, 2024 |
WWII era historical fiction focusing on the exiled Windsors after abdication, their staff and social circles, as well as their Nazis supporting tendencies. Lovely descriptions of historical clothing and trends, the cities and estates during this time period, and the atmosphere of those involved with the Windsors. The last quarter of the book involves a spy ring as well. For historical fiction readers and women's fiction fans.

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LibStaff2 | 1 other review | Jun 18, 2024 |
Most of the book focused on the romantic affairs of Louisa. It was a little much!
franniepuck | 4 other reviews | May 7, 2023 |
This enticing and thoroughly researched book is the story of Queen Victoria’s fourth daughter, Princess Louise. Princess Louise must live by the constraints of her title and the rules of Victorian society. Her mother, Queen Victoria, is dictatorial, demanding and most of the time, is not at all “motherly”. Yet Princess Louise grows into a lovely woman of great character, and she has exceptional artistic talent. When she goes to art school, she meets and takes classes from the famous sculptor Joseph Edgar Boehm, with whom she has a long-lasting affair.
Recognizing her duty to the crown, and after declining many unsuitable suitors recommended by her mother, Louise finally agrees to marry Marquess of Lorne, heir to the Dukedom of Argyll. However, since she is of royal blood and he only a British subject, this was quite an unusual match. The Marquess and Louise spent most of their time in Canada, where he had an appointment, but she returned to England later due to an injury. There she continued her relationship with Boehm while her husband remained in Canada.
Learning about the Queen was fun and I especially enjoyed how the author navigated her relationship with Louise, given they had much in common yet lots of conflict. I also loved the inclusion of historical letters! I had so much fun with this book and am very excited to read this author’s next book.
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efoland | 4 other reviews | Jan 23, 2023 |


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