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320+ Works 3,741 Members 81 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

A cofounder in 1875 of the Theosophical Society and its principal catalyst and intellectual force, Helena Blavatsky has had perhaps a greater influence than any other single person on modern occultism and alternative spirituality. Born Helena de Hahn of an aristocratic Russian family, she married show more Nikofor Blavatsky in 1848 but soon left him to travel widely. While the details of her wandering years are not entirely clear, it is evident that she augmented natural psychic and spiritualist interests with much esoteric lore. In 1874 Blavatsky came to New York, where she met Henry Steel Olcott, who became the first president of the Theosophical Society upon its establishment in the following year as a vehicle for the study of arcane wisdom and the promotion of human brotherhood. In 1877 Blavatsky published her first book Isis Unveiled. In 1878-79, she and Olcott moved to India, where the new movement met with both success and controversy. Returning to Europe, she settled in London in 1887, where her major work The Secret Doctrine was published in 1888. Combining shamanistic, Hindu, Buddhist, Neoplatonist, and Cabalistic lore to reconstruct what she considered to be the primordial human wisdom, Blavatsky forcefully engaged its concepts with those of the science and religion of her day. >p> A woman of independent and colorful character, Blavatsky evoked strong responses, both positive and negative, and left a permanent legacy whose influence on modern cultural movements in both India and the West is increasingly recognized. Blavatsky died in 1891. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Wikipedia Source: http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/hpbphotos6.htm


Works by H. P. Blavatsky

The Voice of the Silence (1889) 264 copies, 8 reviews
The Key to Theosophy (1889) 245 copies, 4 reviews
Studies in Occultism (1910) 103 copies, 1 review
Theosophical Glossary (1892) 66 copies, 4 reviews
Isis Unveiled, Volume 2: Theology (1984) 63 copies, 1 review
Practical Occultism (1967) 47 copies, 4 reviews
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan (1975) 46 copies, 2 reviews
Nightmare Tales (1989) 42 copies, 1 review
The Secret Doctrine: Occultism Part 2 (1901) 30 copies, 2 reviews
Isis Unveiled, Part 1 of 4 (1991) 25 copies, 3 reviews
The Secret Doctrine: Occultism Part 1 (1996) 24 copies, 3 reviews
Isis Unveiled, Part 3 of 4 (1985) 16 copies, 3 reviews
People of the Blue Mountains (1901) 15 copies, 1 review
Isis Unveiled, Part 2 of 4 (1981) 14 copies, 2 reviews
Occulte verhalen (1996) 13 copies, 1 review
Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy (1980) 13 copies, 2 reviews
Isis Unveiled, Part 4 of 4 (1986) 10 copies, 3 reviews
Raja-Yoga, or Occultism (2003) 9 copies
ZERI I HESHTJES (2021) 8 copies, 2 reviews
La doctrina secreta del hombre (1991) 7 copies, 2 reviews
H. P. B. Speaks 7 copies
Mr. Peters and the Goddess: Letters Home (1920) 5 copies, 1 review
Two Stories (1932) 5 copies
Mitä on okkultismi? (1975) 5 copies
The beacon light (1984) 5 copies
El sendero del díscipulo (1997) 4 copies
Doctrinas y enseñanzas teosóficas (1901) 4 copies, 1 review
Obras completas (2002) 4 copies
Ancient Egyptian Magic (2005) 4 copies
A Sabedoria Tradicional (2001) 4 copies
A Voz do Silêncio (2017) 3 copies
My Books (1891) 3 copies
The Kabalah and the Kabalists (2008) 3 copies, 1 review
The Ensouled Violin (2009) 3 copies, 1 review
Pecesiz Isis 1 (2016) 2 copies
Theosophical classics (2003) 2 copies
H. P. B. Speaks (1986) 2 copies
Fundamentals of Theosophy (2005) 2 copies
A doutrina oculta (2001) 2 copies
Los sueños 2 copies
La Sabiduria De Mme.blavatsky (2006) 2 copies, 1 review
Okült Arastırmalar (2017) 2 copies
Essays by Blavatsky (1992) 2 copies
Isis entschleiert (2003) 2 copies
Karma Sudby (1997) 2 copies
Meta-Geometry (1982) 2 copies
Valon airut (1981) 1 copy
Teosofinen sanakirja (1994) 1 copy
Hipnotismo 1 copy
A Chave da Teosofia (2017) 1 copy
Gizli Öğreti 2 (2019) 1 copy
Gizli Ögreti 1. Cilt (2017) 1 copy
Dromen 1 copy
Karma Lore: One (1983) 1 copy
Diamanten 1 copy
Kosmic mind 1 copy
Isis Ontsluierd deel 1 1 copy, 1 review
Den hemmelige lære (1987) 1 copy
Isis Ontsluierd deel 2 1 copy, 1 review
De Geheime Leer deel 1 1 copy, 1 review
De Geheime Leer deel 2 1 copy, 1 review
The Feminine Occult (2019) 1 copy
Escritos ocultistas (1997) 1 copy
Who Are The Elohim? (2006) 1 copy
The Key to Theosophy (1953) 1 copy
RÂJA YOGA ou occultisme (1983) 1 copy, 1 review
Höllen-Träume (2017) 1 copy
Raja Yoga Or Occultism (2010) 1 copy
My Books (2005) 1 copy
Çelsi Teozfisë 1 copy, 1 review

Associated Works

The Grand Inquisitor (1880) — Translator, some editions — 1,229 copies, 8 reviews
Ghosts: A Treasury of Chilling Tales Old & New (1981) — Contributor — 348 copies, 1 review
The Big Book of Classic Fantasy (2019) — Contributor — 178 copies, 3 reviews
Witches' Brew (2002) — Contributor — 131 copies
The Book of Dzyan (2003) 73 copies, 1 review
Ladies of Fantasy: Two Centuries of Sinister Stories by the Gentle Sex (1975) — Contributor — 50 copies, 1 review
The nightmare reader, volume one (1973) — Contributor — 47 copies, 2 reviews
The Magicians: Occult Stories (1972) — Contributor — 18 copies
The Zinzolin Book of Occult Fiction (2022) — Contributor — 12 copies
The Nightmare Reader (1973) — Contributor — 2 copies


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Common Knowledge

Legal name
Hahn, Helena Petrovna von
Other names
Gan, Elena Petrovna
von Hahn, Helena
Ган, Елена Петровна
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
Date of death
Russian Federation
Country (for map)
Ekatarinoslav, Russi
Place of death
London, England, UK
Places of residence
New York, New York, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
R-va, Zeneida (mother)
Zhelikhovsky, Vera (sister)
Witte, Sergei (cousin)
Blavatsky, Nikifor (husband)
Betanelly, Michael C. (2nd husband)
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel (fellow Theosophist)
Theosophical Society
Awards and honors
First Russian woman to become naturalized as an American citizen
Short biography
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ( H P Blavatsky ) was born on August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav), Russian Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849, at the age of 16, she married the much older N. V. Blavatsky, and some months later began more than 20 years of extensive travel, bringing her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. The travels provided a basis for Madame Blavatsky's claim to have studied for seven years under Hindu mahatmas (masters) in the East. She also claimed to have several times entered Tibet, which at that time was practically inaccessable to foreigners.
In 1873 Madame Blavatsky arrived in New York. In July 1875 she was urged "to establish a philosophico-religious society," and in the Fall of the same year she became the principal founder, along with Col. Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge, of The Theosophical Society. She devoted the rest of her life to its humanitarian and educational objectives.
During these times H P Blavatsky was the first Russian woman to become naturalized as an American citizen. She started to write her first major work, Isis Unveiled, and after its publication in 1877 she and H. S. Olcott left for India. There they worked to re-establish Oriental philosophical and religious ideas, largely through the pages of The Theosophist, a magazine which Madame Blavatsky founded and edited. She and Olcott established a new headquarters for the Theosophical Society in India. Whilst on a visit to Sri Lanka they joined with a Buddhist tradition of faith.
In 1884, while Madame Blavatsky was traveling in Europe, disgruntled Theosophical Society employees in India went to local missionaries with forged documents, bringing charges of fraud against her. These charges were investigated and, although an initial report was unfavourable to Madame Blavatsky, it was eventually deemed that the charges were unjustified.
The stress associated with the investigation contributed to a break down in Madame Blavatsky's health and in 1885 she left India for Europe, where she continued to write and organise on behalf of the Theosophical Society. In 1887 she settled in London, and began a new magazine Lucifer ("Light-bringer").
Her principal work entitled "The Secret Doctrine" was published in 1888 and, in the same year, aided by W. Q. Judge, she formed the Esoteric Section of The Theosophical Society. Shortly afterwards she wrote The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of the Silence. In 1890 she became head of a newly-established European Section. She died in London on May 8, 1891 after many years of chronic illness. 



Nje liber mbi Teozofine, ‘fene e dijes’, historine e saj, perfaqesuesit me te shquar te saj ne histori, rrenjet e saj dhe ngjashmerite e ndryshimet mes saj dhe fese, filozofise e shkences; ide mbi debatin mes kreacionisteve dhe darvinisteve mbi origjinen e specieve; cilat jane ligjet baze te Universit dhe ndertimi i tij holografik; dhe mbi te gjitha nje analize e vecante e qenies, njeriut, elementet e tij perberes, ne ndryshim nga feja dhe shkenca dhe ngjashmeria me budizmin ne disa drejtime. Autorja ka qene e preferuara e shume rrymave ideologjike dhe nga frimasoneria ne shekullin e fundit dhe sidomos ka patur ithtare te saj nazistet me te shquar, me ne krye Hitlerin, tek Shoqeria teozofiste Thule ku spikasnin ideologe te ndryshem dhe teozofiste si Karl Haushofer, Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Rudolf Hes, Alfred Shelenberg, Ditrih Ekhart, Adolf Hitler, etj; Por nazistet i shtremberuan parimet e saj themelore te barazise se racave.… (more)
BibliotekaFeniks | Dec 7, 2024 |
Që të arrijë dikush të dëgjojë Zërin e Heshtjes, zërin e qenies së tij është e nevojshme fillimisht të pushojë së jetuari si një qenie me pasione. Është e nevojshme të mbizotërojmë mbi natyrën materiale, të kalojmë nga padituria në kërkimin e diturisë, te nxënësia. Nga ajo, të drejtohemi drejt diturisë së plotë duke kaluar nga të tre sallat.
Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) ishte filozofe dhe autore e njohur e një numri të konsiderueshëm botimesh, ku si kryevepra të saj mund të përmendim "Doktrinën Sekrete", "Isis e Zbuluar" dhe "Zëri i Heshtjes". Ajo studioi në shkolla initacionuese, aty ku ishin shpëtuar disa nga doktrinat e Mësuesve më të lashtë shpirtërorë të Njerëzimit. Studioi ligjet dhe jetën e botëve misterioze, ku si dëshmi të kësaj periudhe të përgatitjes së saj të brendshme, na la përkthimin dhe komentimet e koleksionit të shkëlqyer të vlerave shpirtërore, që quhet "Zëri i Heshtjes".… (more)
BibliotekaFeniks | 1 other review | Oct 12, 2024 |
In perhaps the most definitive work on esoteric wisdom ever written, HPB comprehensively surveys the origins of the cosmos and the prehistory of humanity, synthesizing religion and science within the context of the perennial philosophy. Originally published in 1888, The Secret Doctrine continues to be the principal source book for students of Theosophy, not as the final word on the subject, but as a stimulus to encourage the student to ponder its thoughts with a free and questing mind. (Quest)
DClodgeTS | Mar 28, 2022 |
Edited by G.R.S. Mead, with contributions by William Wynn Westcott. The book contains definitions for 2,767 terms arranged alphabetically (M. Gomes)
DClodgeTS | 3 other reviews | Mar 28, 2022 |


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