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Laurie Boris

Author of Playing Charlie Cool

12 Works 120 Members 9 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Laurie Boris

Playing Charlie Cool (2014) 45 copies, 1 review
Drawing Breath (2012) 27 copies, 2 reviews
The Picture of Cool (2014) 11 copies
Don't Tell Anyone (2012) 8 copies, 2 reviews
The Joke's On Me (2011) 7 copies, 2 reviews
Sliding Past Vertical (2013) 6 copies
A Sudden Gust of Gravity (2015) 6 copies
The Call: A Baseball Novel (2017) 5 copies, 1 review
The Kitchen Brigade (2019) 2 copies, 1 review
Boychik (2021) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



Don't Tell Anyone by Laurie Boris

Sixty-five year old Estelle Trager ends up in the hospital with pneumonia. It turns out to be something much worse, cancer. Soon her sons Adam and Charlie along with her daughter-in-law Liza find out.

Estelle is stubborn and is not sure she wants to go through the pain and suffering of treatment, so she ask Liza the unthinkable. To put her out of her misery and to end her life. Liza is torn and she keeps this secret from her husband Adam but tells Charlie, her brother-in-law and long time friend from college.

Estelle is haunted from the memory of her mothers cancer, back when there was little hope for survival, and lot of pain and suffering. Liza holds the burden of hiding secrets, torn between telling the truth, and fulfilling Estelle's wish.

Then the sibling rivalry between Adam and Charlie, starting with their mothers feelings towards each and conflicts over Liza. We watch as one family struggles through this hardship. Will Estelle's illness bring them together, or tear them apart?

A well written story of family dysfunction, love, suffering and many secrets. Each person is dealing with their own inner turmoil. They all have their own weaknesses and strong points. A heart felt story with vivid details, and gripping dialog, bringing you into the Trager family. We can feel the emotion turmoil, anger, frustration and unconditional love.

Don't Tell Anyone pulled at my heart strings and will stay with me for a long time. I highly recommend to readers who love a great heartfelt (family) story.
… (more)
SheriAWilkinson | 1 other review | Mar 11, 2016 |
Drawing Breath by Laurie Boris

Sixteen year old Caitlin Kelly is infatuated with her Art teacher, Daniel Benedetto. She believes it is true love, at least on her part. Daniel also has cystic fibrosis, and lives upstairs from her. Her obsession with him gets out of control when she interferes in his personal life. Not thinking of the consequences of her actions, the damage is done and things will never be the same again.

A fast paced original story. Caitlin, although young and careless is likable. Daniel, is very likable. Even though he has a horrible disease he is human, and has feeling like everyone else, and has flaws. No one is perfect. I liked that Daniel is shown as a person, not perfect, and he is not just "his disease". Drawing Breath is touching and heartfelt. I recommend to those who love a great dramatic, heartfelt story. A true all night read.… (more)
SheriAWilkinson | 1 other review | Mar 11, 2016 |




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