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Paula Bradley

Author of Chosen

3 Works 52 Members 1 Review

Works by Paula Bradley

Chosen (2011) 49 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



I liked this book, it was a freebie for nook. I will look for the next one
because of it is free, you can bet it is #1 in a series! I am not sure if I will follow it to the end,
but I want to see what happens next. It is a bit of a cliff hanger, which typically puts me off.
I liked this one well enough to give that a pass.

Mariah Carpenter has reached the end of her rope. She decides to
end her life. She has thought it though, and dressed nicely for the
occasion. Things don't go quite as planned, however. After eating a bag
of M&Ms, and swallowing a handful of pills.. Mariah has what seems to be
a strange dream, or vision. When she wakes in the morning, refreshed and
a little confused about everything she experienced the night before. Things do
not get any less confusing, when she realizes that she seems to have acquired
an unusual psychic ability.

There is a bit of religion tucked into the corners of this one.. but nothing
preachy or nothing that would make this a Christian novel. What is there
helps to explain how Mariah handles this ability and her questions about it.

By the end of the story, she has begun to question beyond a deity, and
become suspicious that no god or demon is involved at all.

This book is exciting and it held my interest. It had a twist that I have
never come across. I liked the characters...

I'm not sure that I would call this a fantasy novel, or a sci-fi novel
and it certainly is not a religious one. I have no idea how I would really categorize
it as it has a bit of many things worked into it.
… (more)
3 vote
mckait | Feb 11, 2012 |


½ 3.4

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