Author picture

Soledad Bravi

Author of The Noisy Book

56+ Works 196 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Soledad Bravi

The Noisy Book (2004) 53 copies, 1 review
Le livre des cris (2005) 12 copies, 1 review
Mommy, Pick Me Up (2014) 10 copies
Le grand livre des rêves (2008) — Illustrator — 8 copies
Animaux (French Edition) (2010) 7 copies
Choisis un animal (2014) 6 copies
Abracadanoir (2008) 4 copies
J'ai mis dans ma valise (2013) 3 copies
Le livre des j'aime (2017) 3 copies
Drago (2006) 3 copies
Restons calmes ! (2012) 3 copies
Si j'étais grand (2009) 3 copies
Fruits légumes (2011) 2 copies, 1 review
c'etait mieux avant (2020) 2 copies
Le Cyclope (2007) 2 copies
Chez moi (2007) 2 copies
Maraboutdeficelle (2007) 2 copies
le livre des couleurs (2012) 2 copies
Vive la vie, Gabi ! (2018) 2 copies, 1 review
Poulpo et Poulpette (2005) 2 copies
Pierre Hermé et moi (2014) 2 copies
MON LAPIN (2011) 2 copies
La BD de Soledad (2013) 2 copies
L'arbre (2000) 2 copies
Crocococo (2023) 1 copy
La Vache (2000) 1 copy
Comme cochons (2006) 1 copy
Pompons et chiffons (2012) 1 copy
La BD des paresseuses (2006) 1 copy
1, 2, 3, 4 pattes (2009) 1 copy

Associated Works

Le petit garçon qui disait toujours non (2011) — Illustrator — 2 copies
Le saule pleureur de bonne humeur (2012) — Illustrator — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



This was my daughter's favorite book in the whole world for a long time. It's a semi-board-book with a simple format; each page has a picture of something and says, in French, "The XXX says YYYY". All the usual suspects (dog, cat, mouse, hen, rooster, donkey) are present, along with some wilder ones (ghost, kiss, watch, bicycle bell) and some truly far-out ones (canned spinach, an electrical outlet). The text merely says spinach, but we are careful to emphasize its canned nature, since it says "Yuck". (The electrical outlet says "No!") The format is simple enough that the non-French speakers who "read" it to my daughter usually managed to just improvise the english, although they occasionally needed some help (the box of tissues drawing is not self-explanatory). This is the nicest young child's sound book I've seen (the closest English thing is Peter Spier's Crash, Bang, Boom, which isn't suitable for 18-month olds.)… (more)
ezwicky | Apr 3, 2007 |

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