Author picture

Krista Bremer

Author of My Accidental Jihad

2 Works 170 Members 50 Reviews

Works by Krista Bremer

My Accidental Jihad (2014) 143 copies, 45 reviews
A Tender Struggle: Story of a Marriage (2015) 27 copies, 5 reviews


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
North Carolina, USA



A captivating and moving memoir about a women's journey through love, interethnic marriage, parenthood, and life. This memoir follows Krista from her surfing days to a journalism career to a chance encounter with a runner that eventually leads to a discovered pregnancy, and soon a cross-cultural marriage. The author shows us her experiences being married to a Muslim man, her own journey with religion, and the experience of a different culture, with refreshing honesty and humanity. As a reader who has a deep love and interest in the study of religion, especially Islam, I couldn't stop myself from escaping into Bremer's journey. This in an important memoir; beautifully written with wisdom everyone can appreciate and learn from on each page.

Sarah M. / Marathon County Public Library
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mcpl.wausau | 44 other reviews | Sep 25, 2017 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this book for free from Member's Giveaway. I lasted to page 78 when I couldn't take it anymore. I really cannot read a memoir about someone who is truly self centered and cares too much about material things.

For the rest of the review, visit my blog at:
booklover3258 | 4 other reviews | Mar 17, 2016 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
What an amazingly honest and well written story about a cross-cultural relationship and marriage. I really enjoyed hearing about the author’s experiences being married to a Muslim man. It gave me a very different insight about an average Muslim and their faith in contrast to what we hear about in the media. I gained such a respect for this married couple as they stayed committed to each other despite their ongoing struggles with their cultural differences. It was enlightening and touching to hear about how they learned to accept some of those differences and yet remained loyal to their own personal culture, faith, beliefs, and traditions. Definitely not easy and the author is very candid about her feelings and frustrations. I ended up enjoying this book a lot more than I anticipated and would recommend it to anyone that wants to open their mind and learn about cultures that are different from our own.

Please note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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LorettaR | 44 other reviews | Jul 16, 2015 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This is a well written memoir about an American Christian woman who marries a Libyan Muslim man.
Krista gives details about how cultural differences can complicate a marriage. She also shows how those differences can enhance the relationship.
Having experienced something similar myself, I can relate.
LynnGW | 4 other reviews | Jun 18, 2015 |


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