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Robin Bridges

Author of The Gathering Storm

5+ Works 504 Members 56 Reviews


Works by Robin Bridges

The Gathering Storm (2012) 287 copies, 37 reviews
The Unfailing Light (2012) 104 copies, 8 reviews
The Morning Star (2013) 67 copies, 4 reviews
Dreaming of Antigone (2016) 33 copies, 4 reviews
The Form of Things Unknown (2016) 13 copies, 3 reviews

Associated Works

Lilith Unbound (2008) — Contributor — 17 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Bridges, Robin



Quick Thoughts:

1. The plot in this book sounded ok at first glance but was SO confusing. I don't know how I got through it.
2. I really did like the characters in this story. For that reason alone I might read the second book.
3. The description of this book doesn't really help me out any. I didn't realize this would be a book about faeries and vampires as well as the magic abilities mentioned in the summary. Way too many different creatures and I couldn't keep track of who was who.
4. Honestly, I should have rated this lower but I guess I was feeling generous. Very confusing for sure and I don't know if I'd recommend it.
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chelssicle | 36 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
What I Loved

I think I liked this book more than the first. It was easier to follow (thankfully) and I was starting to remember a few more characters. There’s still a lot going on that I don’t understand and I’m still confused since there’s still a lot of characters but I found myself more entertained by this book.

I’m really liking the main characters. In this book especially I wasn’t sure who to trust. Some characters who I thought were doing ok weren’t and the opposite for others. I have serious trust issues after reading this. I am really happy with how the romance is going in this book (so far). It’s kind of adorable and I love reading sweet romances like this one. There’s even a little romance with people other than our main character which I’m just as excited for.

What I Didn't Love

The plot is still confusing. There’s too many things and too many people and I can’t keep track of who is what. This book wasn’t as bad as the first but there’s still a lot of work that could have been done. It feels like the author is trying to cram in as much as she possible can and it’s not working out for me.

Who I'd Recommend To

The best part about this book is the setting. I loved reading about historical Russia. If you are easily confused by too many characters and paranormal creatures then this probably isn't the book for you.
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chelssicle | 7 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
I won a hardcover of The Unfailing Light by Robin Bridges a long time ago and am just getting around to reading and reviewing it.

This is one of those books that is hard to rate because it is Book II and I don’t have Book I or III, so I don’t get the full story, BUT the more I read, the more I enjoyed the story and the more I became involved with the characters, wishing I would have had the entire series and read from the beginning.

See more at rel="nofollow" _target="_top">http://www.fundinmental.com… (more)
sherry69 | 7 other reviews | May 25, 2024 |
I've had The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges on my actual bookshelf for over a decade. I kept wanting to read it but I never got the nerve to actually pick it up. Silly, I know, but I finally bit the bullet. The cover was so pretty and I just had a bad feeling I was hyping the book up too much since I thought the cover was gorgeous.

Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, is a necromancer in Russia. There's vampires in Russia, and they are a dark force around Russia. Throw in the aristocrats, Princes, Princesses, and all the fun of being a royal trying to marry you off for power... You've got an interesting story.

I really like the paranormal aspect thrown in with a bunch of historical fiction about Russia. The Russian side of the story was done very well and you could tell there was research behind the actual lore and history of the tale. Russian stories aren't always told from a more realistic point of view, so this was a very nice touch.

This book wasn't my favourite and I do think I hyped it up way too much for my own good. The story is a fantastic start and especially for a debut! I did think the book was too long and at time had too much history and not enough substance. I wanted character interactions, conflict, and chaos. It mostly felt like complaining about Danilo and the other women instead of doing something. There is some insta-love to that feels forced even for a YA book.

I will be keeping an eye out for the rest of the series though. I think Robin Bridges crafted a unique tale that I still want to follow.

Two out of five stars.
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Briars_Reviews | 36 other reviews | Aug 13, 2023 |



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