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Hermann Broch (1886–1951)

Author of The Death of Virgil

122+ Works 3,680 Members 35 Reviews 24 Favorited

About the Author

Hermann Broch was a novelist, playwright, mathematician, and engineer. He was born in Vienna in 1886; he came to the United States in 1938. The Sleepwalkers (1932) Broch's prose trilogy describes three stages in the disintegration of modern European society. The Death of Virgil (1945), whom Broch show more considered a prototype of the modern individual, depicts the last eighteen hours of the life of Virgil. Broch's vision of the immanence of death will probably be regarded as his most original contribution to human experience. Broch was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship (1941-42), a membership in the American Institute of Arts and Letters (1942), and a Rockefeller Fellowship for Philosophical and Psychological Research at Princeton (1942-44). Broch died in 1951. (Bowker Author Biography) Hermann Broch was a novelist and playwright. He was born in Vienna on November 1, 1886. Broch studied physics, mathematics, and philosophy at the University of Vienna. Broch's first major work was the trilogy, The Sleepwalkers, which used historical events in the Europe of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to illustrate the decline of European society. His book The Seducer, caused Adolf Hitler to send Broch to a Nazi prison for five months. An international group of artists that included James Joyce arranged for Broch to escape to the United States. Broch's last novel was The Death of Virgil. After its release in 1945, Broch devoted himself to works on political theory and to helping European refugees. Broch died on May 30, 1951. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Photo © ÖNB/Wien


Works by Hermann Broch

The Death of Virgil (1945) 1,239 copies, 13 reviews
The Sleepwalkers (1932) 920 copies, 10 reviews
The Guiltless (1950) 297 copies, 4 reviews
The Spell (1976) 178 copies, 3 reviews
The Romantic (1931) 141 copies, 2 reviews
The Anarchist (1931) 123 copies, 1 review
The Realist (1932) 103 copies, 1 review
The Unknown Quantity (1953) 95 copies
Le tentateur (1953) 18 copies
The Death of Virgil, Vol. 1 (1989) 17 copies
Gedichte (1980) 16 copies
Autobiografía psíquica (1999) 16 copies
Novellen : Prosa, Fragmente (1980) 14 copies
The Death of Virgil, Vol. 2 (2018) 13 copies
Vrouwen (1975) 12 copies
Il Kitsch (1990) 9 copies
La Grandeur inconnue (1968) 9 copies
Politische Schriften (1978) 9 copies
Barbara : novelle (1987) 8 copies
Philosophische Schriften (1977) 7 copies
Briefe 2 (1938-1945) (1981) 6 copies
Dramen (1979) 5 copies
Brochs Tod des Vergil. (1988) 5 copies
James Joyce e il presente (1983) 5 copies
Briefwechsel, 1930-1951 (1971) 4 copies
Demeter (1967) 3 copies
Briefe 3: 1945-1951 (1981) 3 copies
Die Idee ist ewig. (1984) 3 copies
Il sortilegio 2 copies
Suçsuzlar (2023) 2 copies
Bergroman (1969) 2 copies
Schriften zur Literatur (1975) 2 copies
Broch Lesebuch (1987) 2 copies
Kusiciel 1 copy
Nedužni 1 copy
Pokušitel 1 copy
Erzählungen Stories (1964) 1 copy
Les somnambules Tome 1 (1982) 1 copy
James Joyce 1 copy
Il ritorno di Virgilio (2022) 1 copy
Esperance (2001) 1 copy
Niewinni 1 copy
Bilinmeyen Deger (2013) 1 copy

Associated Works

War and the Iliad (2005) — Afterword, some editions — 376 copies, 1 review
Kitsch: The World of Bad Taste (1968) — Contributor — 217 copies, 2 reviews
German Stories and Tales (1954) — Contributor — 106 copies
Selected prose (1952) — Introduction, some editions — 17 copies
Voor het einde 33 Duitse verhalen uit de jaren 1900-1933 (1977) — Contributor — 13 copies
Meesters der Duitse vertelkunst (1967) — Author — 9 copies


* (21) 20th century (96) Ancient Rome (18) anthology (28) art (48) Austria (65) Austrian (39) Austrian literature (104) Broch (51) classics (17) criticism (19) essay (18) essays (46) fiction (346) German (135) German fiction (29) German literature (221) Germany (62) Hermann Broch (28) historical fiction (37) history (16) kitsch (22) literary criticism (24) literature (190) modernism (42) non-fiction (37) novel (160) Novela (28) NYRB (16) philosophy (53) poetry (23) PT2603.R657 (17) Roman (63) Rome (17) short stories (28) stories (23) to-read (269) translation (33) unread (28) Virgil (26)

Common Knowledge



Se me hace muy cuesta arriba y lo dejo cuando llevo un tercio.
cuentosalgernon | 3 other reviews | May 22, 2024 |
"One human life does not suffice. It suffices for nothing. Oh, memory, oh homecoming."
1 vote
therebelprince | 12 other reviews | Apr 21, 2024 |
Wow. My new favourite novel. What the hell.
jaydenmccomiskie | 12 other reviews | Sep 27, 2021 |
This is my second reading of this masterpiece. I continue to be amazed at how these novels transition from romantic nostalgia to deep philosophical modernism. With Broch, one reaches the boundary of what can be done with literary fiction.
le.vert.galant | 9 other reviews | Nov 19, 2019 |



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