James Burke (disambiguation)

"James Burke" is composed of at least 11 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: James Burke

Author Division

James Burke (1)

Connections (1978) 1,337 copies, 17 reviews
The Day the Universe Changed (1985) 1,267 copies, 17 reviews
The Axemaker's Gift (1995) 296 copies, 3 reviews
Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing (1997) — Foreword — 113 copies, 1 review
Inventing Modern America: From the Microwave to the Mouse (2001) — Introduction — 49 copies

James Burke (15)

It Happened One Night [1934 film] (1934) — Actor — 229 copies, 3 reviews
Pot o' Gold [1941 film] (1941) — Actor — 52 copies, 1 review
Treasure Island [1934 film] (1934) — Actor — 28 copies
The Mad Miss Manton (1985) — Actor — 12 copies, 1 review
Call of the Wild [1935 film] (1935) — Actor — 6 copies

James Burke (6)

Flee Seven Ways (1964) 2 copies
The Firefly Hunt (1969) 1 copy

James Burke (14)

Kelly's Reef (2013) 1 copy, 1 review

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1. Burke, James, 1936- Connections
2. James Burke (1819-1886) wrote The Speeches of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke.
4. Burke, Jim 1921- Spy Story
5. James Lee Burke
6. Burke, James, 1917- Flee seven ways.
7. Burke, James, 1939- Paper tomahawks
8. James Wakefield Burke - Blazing Dawn
9. This is either John Burke or Sir John Bernard Burke
10. James M. Burke wrote Fatal Choices (Med døden til følge in Danish)
11. Burke, James, 1846?- Burke's Texas almanac
12. Burke, James, Jr. Quaint old New England
13. James J. Burke, Jr. - Collector's Guide to Beggs Miniature Steam
14. James R. Burke - Kelly's Reef
15) James Burke (1886-1968), actor