Picture of author.
16 Works 2,856 Members 71 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Elisa Carbone lives in Montgomery County, Maryland, where Ann Maria Weems lived. Carbone is a faculty member at the University of Maryland, lecturer, and author of several books for young people

Includes the names: CARBONE ELISA, Elisa Lynn Carbone

Works by Elisa Carbone

Blood on the River: James Town 1607 (2006) 1,499 copies, 26 reviews
Storm Warriors (2001) 376 copies, 4 reviews
Stealing Freedom (1998) 367 copies, 6 reviews
Jump (2010) 119 copies, 8 reviews
Diana's White House Garden (2016) 95 copies, 7 reviews
Heroes of the Surf (2012) — Author — 59 copies, 7 reviews
The Pack (2003) 49 copies, 1 review
Last Dance on Holladay Street (2005) 39 copies, 2 reviews
Sarah and the Naked Truth (2000) 9 copies


Common Knowledge



Independent Reading Level - K-3
Awards - 2017 Storytelling World Resource Awards Honor
dbass2004 | 6 other reviews | Nov 21, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Kindergarten-3rd Grade
Awards: N/A
isabelcleveland | 6 other reviews | Dec 5, 2023 |
(Ages 9-10, grades 5-6)

I can't think of a more fun way for young people to learn about America's history than through historical novels. Elisa Carbone has an awesome, easy writing style. She has researched extensively into the historical records of James Town to write such a wonderful treasure. At the beginning of each chapter, she has included a short snippet from original records, and, at the back of the book, she has included all of the sources used. In "Author's Note", she explains which parts of the book are real and which are not. Perfect for young readers. I loved it and will be looking forward to reading book 2, "Poison in the Colony: James Town 1622".

Set in 1606-1610 in James Town, Virginia, this story is told in the first person by eleven-year old orphaned Samuel Collier, of England, who was trying to retain something of his mom after her death. He broke into a shop and stole back her necklace, but was caught and thrown into the brig. The magistrate had pity on him, being so young, and sent Samuel to an orphanage instead. There, he remained in trouble, so he and another young boy were chosen to be servants on board the first schooner headed to the New World. Samuel was to serve as a page under Captain John Smith.

Their mission? Per King James's permission, they were hired and chartered out of the Virginia Company to find a new passage to the Orient (China and India), to avoid purchasing from the Turk’s who demanded gold prices for paltry products. They were to explore for gold, silver and jewels, and to cut down trees from the New World to ship back to England to build English houses for a great profit. They were also to search for any survivors at the Roanoke colony, who had sailed to Virginia 20 years earlier with Sir Walter Raleigh and gone missing. Most importantly they were to bring "Christianity" to the New World.

I learned a few things here. John Smith wasn't a popular person among the useless, pompous and rich "gentlemen" that traveled with him to the New World. He was only a commoner who they were constantly trying to have killed and out of the way. And the rumor about him having an affair with Pocahontas is completely unfounded. There is not one shred of evidence recorded anywhere. Only Hollywood and Disney could turn it into a romance. She was apparently only a child...maybe 10 years old. She was the daughter of Chief Powhatan, who aided the new settlers for a while. Apparently, Chief Powhatan adopted Captain John Smith as a son and one now belonging to the Powhatan’s. John called him father, so Pocahontas looked upon John Smith as a father figure as well. The Powhatan's saved the colony through some terrible winters because of John Smith's relationship with the Powhatan's.

My husband’s mother once claimed that she heard they were directly related to Pocahontas. This has only been a rumor from many years ago. I have not dug that deep into his family tree, and I’m not even sure exactly which line it would follow beginning on his mother’s side. But, encase I ever do get this far back on the Pinnell/Stephens family tree, here is basic info provided on Pocahontas by this book: Pocahontas married John Rolfe in 1614 and had one son, Thomas Rolfe. Pocahontas died in 1617 when she became ill while in England. She is buried at St. George's Parish Church in Gravesend, England.
… (more)
MissysBookshelf | 25 other reviews | Aug 27, 2023 |
lcslibrarian | 3 other reviews | Aug 13, 2020 |



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