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Lee Carroll (1)

Author of Indigo Children

For other authors named Lee Carroll, see the disambiguation page.

21 Works 1,006 Members 18 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Photo courtesy of Hay House, Inc.


Works by Lee Carroll

Indigo Children (1999) 346 copies, 3 reviews
The Parables of Kryon (2000) 26 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Carroll, Lee
Other names



I had a difficult time getting through this book.

I would like to rate it higher than I did, but I can't do that due to the slow start that this book offered. The last 100, 150 pages or so were good and engaging, but up to that point it was hard for me to read. The basic premise and lack of scientific credibility within the text made it a huge turn off to me.

Previous reviewers have stated that the book is primarily crap due to the fact that the traits "Indigo Children" exhibit are the traits exhibited by all children - not just those who are Indigo or suffering AD(H)D. I agree with that point, and furthermore, figure the statistic that now 90% of all children born are Indigo is a rather lame attempt to cover up such an obvious flaw in the argument.

As the book went on I found myself able to relate to a lot of what the Indigo kids (16 ) were describing as their own life experiences. I enjoyed the book due to my ability to relate to certain experiences and the overall soundness in the arguments presented for parenting and education reform. A certain amount of the techniques advocated I did not find very wise, or just thought were sycophantic. (i.e. not using the words "no" or "don't", etc.) An influx of positivity in the way that the book described just felt forced to me. All the same, the basic ideas presented were good and I found it for the most part an entertaining read if nothing else. Just stay away from the crazies.
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Lepophagus | 2 other reviews | Jun 14, 2018 |
In Essence ...

This book brings together many source on the changes occurring within our world, ourselves & the evolution of consciousness leading up to year 2012 & beyond. The Time is getting closer to co-create a new world order.
PaulineGoodman | 3 other reviews | Jul 23, 2015 |
Indigo children are a new kind of children who have been coming into the world in recent years. They are termed Indigos because their auras have been found to be indigo in colour.

I’ve been somewhat disappointed by this book due to the fact that Lee Carroll did not seem to want to let us know about his role as channeller of Kryon, as though this was too “weird”. Also, the role and function of Doreen Virtue, a main contributor to the book, as an angel expert I felt was extremely underplayed, as though this too was weird. Also, there were so many different contributors to the book that I was somewhat confused as regards who was the author of whatever section I was reading.

However, all in all I found it to be a useful book providing much valuable information about Indigos.

I most appreciated the listing of the most common traits of Indigo children:
1) They come into the world with a feeling of royalty.
2) They have a feeling of deserving to be here.
3) Self-worth is not an issue. They often tell the parents who they are.
4) They have difficulties with absolute authority (without explanation or choice).
5) They simply will not do certain things, for example stand in a queue.
6) They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented and don’t require creative thought.
7) They often see better ways of doing things and thus seem like “system-busters”.
8) They seem anti-social unless they are with their own kind. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9) They will not respond to “guilt” discipline” such as “Just wait until your father comes home!”
10) They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

Many of these children have been diagnosed with ADHD and ADD, since they have excessive amounts of energy, bore easily, have a short attention span and cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of their own interest. Many will be labelled as hyperactive trouble-makers who won’t listen.

“Indigos came to serve the planet, their parents, and their friends as emissaries from Heaven – bearers of wisdom, if listened to.”

They appear to stay happy, are very spiritual, and have their own agenda.

They demand much attention and can’t figure out why others operate in anything other than love.

The advice given is to treat Indigos with respect, help them create their own disciplinary solutions and give them choices about everything. “ … if you give them authoritative, dictatorial orders without good, solid reasons, these kids will take you apart:”

Indigos are open and honest – this is their greatest strength.

There are sections written by various persons who themselves are parents of Indigo children and have thus special insight into them.

We are advised not to medicate these children with Ritalin since it is obviously harmful, in that it causes biochemical imbalances.

Instead, we could give the children a dietary supplement called Smart Start, which contains chelated minerals, antioxidant vitamins and “botanicals” (whatever these are, presumably something derived from plants). Many parents have found that this supplement helps tremendously. Other useful supplements are also recommended, particularly blue-green algae from Klamath Lake (before reading this book I had actually just ordered this supplement for myself to help me with detoxing).

To sum up, I found this to be an important book in the understanding of these Indigo children, particularly since I have a grandchild who seems to be one. It provides helpful information and advice on how best to tackle them, and I would recommend it both to those with children with ADHD or ADD symptoms, or those who suspect their kids to be Indigos. (However, it is pointed out that all Indigos do not have ADHD or ADD, and all those with these symptoms are not Indigos.)
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IonaS | 2 other reviews | Nov 6, 2014 |
This is the latest of the Kryon books, and since it’s about 2013 and beyond, the information disclosed is very relevant to us now, in 2014.

We are reminded that the new Mayan cycle (which began on 21st December 2012) represents “the potential for the highest consciousness that humanity has ever seen”. Lee Carroll states: “There is a great shift going on and a full recalibration of everything we have become used to as old souls and lightworkers on Earth.”

We are told that the rescue of the 33 miners in Chile in 2012 was a profound metaphor for the birth of mother energy in South America, and it was the FIRST MASS COMPASSIONATE EVENT that has affected the planet, and that represented the energy of joy and celebration. The energy of compassion changes the planet. No 33 is the last identified master number. The number 33 means “The Compassion of the Christ”. The earthquake said to be the contributing factor to the mine’s weakness happened at 3.33 a.m. After the cave-in, there were 33 days of drilling before the 33 miners were found. And there were many other such synchronicities in the story involving the number 33.

In the channellings contained in the book, Kryon continually refers to us, the listeners and the readers, as old souls.

This recalibration is about being able to stay on this planet in health and in happiness without drama or fear.

Kryon informs us that old souls have such profound self-worth issues because for hundreds of years we’ve been “beat up”. In an older energy, everything we did was met with resistance. Now this is changing. We are going to have to love ourselves more. There is a Universe inside us called cellular structure with trillions of pieces of DNA. These pieces are starting to react and are becoming ready for our instruction sets to be given.

Self-worth is a programme! We have to tell ourselves what we want. “Dear cellular structure, I deserve to be here. This is my time ….. I’m important in the scheme of the earth …. Get rid of inappropriate, emotional issues that keep me from moving forward into my beauty and power.”

Kryon sees a healed planet, eventually with new science – a planet where there is no permanent disease and where clean water is never an issue. He sees a time where all humans have electricity.

Everyone will not become enlightened. We match bearers represent less than one-half of one percent of the human population.

Very slowly. A softening is taking place, moving the energy of the planet more from the masculine into the feminine. It is balancing the imbalanced.

Africa is going to be the “New World” within 75 years.

Old energy dies “kicking and screaming”. Old energy does not surrender ever.

There will continue to be earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and storms.

He tells us that Tesla and Einstein are “back”. I presume he means they have reincarnated again.

There is an interesting, short chapter by Lee Carroll on what it feels like to channel Kryon.

The change of consciousness on this planet has changed the centre of the galaxy: There, there is a black hole, which is a duality. And it knows who we are.

There’s a discussion about evil. Kryon doesn’t say evil doesn’t exist, but that all the darkness on the planet has come from human beings.

A note to us lightworkers – if we’re constantly creating light, darkness does not have a chance. Darkness can’t touch us.

We’re also illuminated about the Crystalline Grid. Everything that takes place on the planet, which humans create, stays here as energy. Every situation where energy is created stays in the Crystalline Grid.

We are a piece of the soup of God, which “is measured in innumerable parts, yet all is one”. When you are in touch with your Higher Self, you’re in touch with all the parts of you.

This is just an iota of the material presented in this latest Kryon book. In short, it is another exciting book that will keep our eyes glued to its pages. Most of the channellings are from 2012, but a few are from 2013.

Enjoy this new Kryon book, which I highly recommend!
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IonaS | Sep 27, 2014 |

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