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Kira Cochrane

Author of Escape Routes for Beginners

5 Works 153 Members 4 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Kira Cochrane

Escape Routes for Beginners (2004) 48 copies
Women of the Revolution: Forty Years of Feminism (2010) — Editor — 39 copies
Modern Women: 52 Pioneers (2017) 27 copies, 2 reviews
The Naked Season (2003) 13 copies


Common Knowledge




Modern Women by Kira Cochrane is a nice compilation of 52 important women who are/were pioneers in some form. The list ranges from the very well known to those who are known to those either in that woman's field or active in seeking to fill the gaps left by most historical accounts.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive account of each life, space wouldn't allow for it even if that had been the desired aim. I see this as a nice book for young people who may need reminding, even at this date, that women have always been pioneers in every field. I also think this would make a nice overview even for those who are at least familiar with every name. Remembering important people from the past is a positive and we sometimes forget some of them.

I saw that someone had complained that the type was too small in the edition they had. I got a copy of the edition releasing in 2021 and the type issue, if there was one, seems to have been corrected. I would also like to comment on something else that was mentioned. There is no introduction that offers either a rationale for the book itself or selection criteria. That would, admittedly, have been a very nice addition. But this is not an academic book and I do think that simply knowing that these are "52 pioneers who changed the world" is sufficient for most people to have a good idea what is included. Would an explanation have been useful? Absolutely. Does the absence of it turn this into a 2-star book? I don't believe so unless one just likes to overly penalize for not doing as they wanted.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
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pomo58 | 1 other review | Dec 30, 2020 |
Modern Women 52 Pioneers🍒🍒🍒🍒
By Kira Cochrane
Frances Lincoln, UK

52 Pioneer women.....a short bio and pictures accompany each entry. Very well done, and glossy. My favorites were:
Alice Guy - Blache. director...1873-1968
Katie Sandwina...circus strong woman...1884-1952
Vesta Tilley...male impersonator....1864-1952
Jan Morris...writer...1926-
Artemisia Gentileschi....artist....1593-1653
Oprah Winfrey....Television icon...1954-
Mary Wollstonecraft. ..writer...1759-1797
Frida Kahlo...artist...1907-1954
Louise Bourgeois. ..artist...1911-2010
Virginia Woolf...writer...1882-1941
Claudia Jones....wtiter/activist....1915-1964

Well researched and written. Highly recommended.
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over.the.edge | 1 other review | Sep 16, 2018 |
If you've ever wondered whether this feminist resurgence was the same old feminism, this book clears it up pretty well. Short and to the point, this is a great compilation of the origins of the fourth wave that is rising, some feminist history, and an explanation of all things intersectional and inclusive about modern feminism. Despite a UK slant, the book covers the rise of movements all over the world and the way they spread. The author not only discusses the things that have been done and attempted, but the impact that these have had. This is masterfully put together and definitely my go to book on why fourth wave feminism is what it is andd why feminism is still necessary.… (more)
Calavari | 1 other review | Apr 5, 2018 |
Kira Cochrane provides an excellent introduction to feminism with this concise and up-to-date history covering the last 100 years in this 70-page extended essay. She discusses rape culture, online feminism - including an intriguing David and Goliath battle with Facebook (I cheered at the outcome), the huge impact humour makes in highlighting feminist issues, and the importance of intersectionality and inclusion of all demographics as feminism is for everyone not just white, middle class women.

In the process, Cochrane refers to some very interesting organisations, projects and movements along the way. (Some of the names will make you smile):

Everyday Sexism Project
Project Unbreakable
UK Feminista
Fawcett Society
Counting Dead Women Project
London Feminist Network
Tumblr: Don't Get Raped
One Billion Rising
Everyday Victim Blaming
SlutWalk movement
The F Word
Daughters of Eve
The Shoreditch Sister's Fanny Defence League
W.I.T.C.H (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell)
Feminist magazine called Cuntry Living
Feminist magazine called Spare Rib
Ms Magazine
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Cynical_Ames | 1 other review | Sep 23, 2014 |


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