Author picture

Fiona Cole

Author of Voyeur

32 Works 597 Members 44 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Fiona Cole


Works by Fiona Cole

Voyeur (2018) 103 copies, 7 reviews
Liar (2019) 51 copies, 1 review
Another (2019) 43 copies, 2 reviews
Savior (2018) 38 copies, 4 reviews
Lovers (2018) 36 copies, 1 review
Blame it on the Tequila (2021) 32 copies, 3 reviews
Shame (2017) 29 copies, 2 reviews
Teacher (Voyeur, #6) (2020) 28 copies, 2 reviews
Imagine Me (2017) 22 copies, 2 reviews
Deny Me (2016) 20 copies, 3 reviews
Cards of Love: The Lovers (2018) 19 copies, 1 review
Blame it on the Vodka (2022) 17 copies, 2 reviews
Surrender (Voyeur, #3.5) (2020) 17 copies, 2 reviews
Twelve Naughty Days (2021) — Author — 13 copies, 3 reviews
Where You Can Find Me (2015) 9 copies
Stories of September (2020) 8 copies, 2 reviews
Just for a Little While (2021) 8 copies, 1 review
Falter 5 copies, 1 review
Voyeur #1-3 4 copies, 2 reviews
Stories of September (2020) 2 copies
Goner 2 copies
Aspen 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Cole, Fiona
Short biography
Fiona Cole is a military wife and a stay at home mom with a degree in Biology and Chemistry. As much as she loved science she decided to postpone her career to stay at home with her two little girls and immersed herself in the world of books until finally deciding to write her own. Where You Can Find Me is Fiona's debut novel and will hopefully be the first of many.



4.5 stars

Eveylyn and Jameson. Sweet holy hotness on a stick. These two were everything. I loved Ev and all that she brought to the table. How she hid her insecurities and fears behind acting liking a confident Vixen. Jameson. Sweet holy hell, that man's mouth. One of the best dirty talkers.

I would highly recommend this book. I wanted more of an epilogue is the only reason this didn't rate higher.
MagicalRi | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.7 stars

"She was my Halley's Comet. Only coming once in a lifetime."

Sweet Holy titfire. This book is hotter than an August night in Las Vegas. Teacher-student romances are usually hit or miss for me. Maybe that's because I work in Education and none of the Professors are who I'd want to see naked. However, If they looked or talked like Callum I'd make an exception.

Add in the voyeur aspect and violá, this book becomes a definite hit for me. This is largely in part because it had a FANTASTIC backstory. I was sympathetic towards the issues Callum dealt with. They hit close to home and I appreciated the author portraying them in such a loving way. Oaklyn did a phenomenal job understanding his needs and giving him exactly what he needed.

I highly recommend this book.
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MagicalRi | 6 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
One of my favorites of 2019

This author is magic. Anything she writes has me staying up until the wee hours of the morning. She is one of those authors that make want to savor every word as if it was the tastiest morsel in the world. There is just something about her that feeds my soul. This book is everything that I love about reading. It is poignant, there are bumps in the road, but in the end, finding love and happiness makes the journey worth it.

I have wanted this story since Carina was first introduced. I needed her to find that epic love that she so rightly deserved. I knew how hurt she was was, even if she understood, from her previous experience. I just wasn't prepared that she would have the wall around her that she did. However, if there was anyone that could breach that wall it would be Ian. Sweet holy hell. This delicious man.

I am not sure what it is about hot dads with a baby. Couple this with his backstory and attentiveness towards Carina and this man became kryptonite. Add in his bantering and hot dirty mouth and he had me on the verge of wishing I was the baby mama. He had a sense of nonchalance about him but there was still a sense of genuine gentleman to him that I also adored. The connection between these two was fire and their steamy moments? Yeah, get a fan because it is HOT.

It was great having the previous characters make an appearance. This is a standalone and those don't need to be read to understand this book. However, in my opinion, these other characters enhance the story. Especially in regards to Carina and her backstory. I also like the sneak peek into who the next book will be about.

I cannot recommend this story or author enough.
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MagicalRi | 1 other review | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.4 stars

Holy hell. I have no qualms saying how much I live for all the words from this amazing author. She can write taboo so well. Actually, that is an understatement. She is one of the best at writing taboo. This book is just another example of that.

I LOVED Kent. I loved his mouth, his demeanor, and his loyalty. Moreover, I loved that once he realized that Oliva was worth the risk of going all-in he had no qualms about laying all of his cards on the table. The steam in this one? HOLY HELL. Some of her best stuff yet, which says something because this woman can write some steam. Oliva was enjoyable for the most part. She is the reason that this book didn't get a higher rating. There were times that she seemed all together and confident. However, there were times that reminded me that she was not "older" and her lack of immaturity was a bit much to handle. Especially, towards the end on how she handled things between her and Kent. There just seemed to be something off about their connection which in turn made me feel like I was missing something from the story in regards to dynamics. This is silly since I have been on this ride since the very first book in this interconnected series.

Even though this is not my favorite with all of these characters it was still SOOO good. I enjoyed getting glimpses of the previous characters and also a preview of what is to come next. I would get down on my knees and raise my hands in the air in praise to thank the author for what is to come but instead, I will just say that I am not worthy and the Queen should now instead be called Goddess because she is giving voice to someone that I have REALLY wanted to speak for a really LONG time!
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MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |

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