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Ted Conover

Author of Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing

13+ Works 1,747 Members 35 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Ted Conover is a journalist and associate professor of journalism at New York University. His book Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2000 and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Conover is also the author of Rolling Nowhere: Riding the Rails with America's show more Hoboes; Coyotes: A Journey Across Borders with America's Mexican Migrants; Whiteout: Lost in Aspen; and The Routes of Man: Travels in the Paved World. He regularly writes for the New York Times, Harper's, the Atlantic, and many other publications. show less

Includes the name: Ted Conover

Works by Ted Conover

Associated Works

The Moth (2013) — Contributor — 300 copies, 9 reviews
Bad Trips (1991) — Contributor — 235 copies, 6 reviews
The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism (1997) — Contributor — 217 copies, 1 review
The Best American Essays 1994 (1994) — Contributor — 185 copies
Letter to a Stranger: Essays to the Ones Who Haunt Us (2021) — Contributor — 69 copies, 3 reviews
Travelers' Tales MEXICO : True Stories (1994) — Contributor — 61 copies, 1 review
True Stories: A Century of Literary Journalism (2008) — Foreword, some editions — 14 copies


America (5) audiobook (5) autobiography (7) biography (12) Colorado (8) corrections (8) crime (21) current affairs (11) history (21) hobos (15) homelessness (6) immigrants (6) immigration (18) Israel (6) journalism (38) Kindle (6) memoir (43) Mexico (25) migration (6) New York (10) Nigeria (6) non-fiction (180) own (7) Peru (7) politics (6) prison (55) prisons (23) railroads (6) read (18) roads (14) Sing Sing (15) social science (6) sociology (33) Ted Conover (11) to-read (94) trains (6) transportation (7) travel (38) unread (10) USA (9)

Common Knowledge



Книгите и филмите за затворите едно, че почти винаги са от гледната точка на затворниците и второ, са пословично далече от реалните условия и отношения между хората (и особено между затворниците и надзирателите) вътре - до степен да нямат нищо общо с нея.

Всеки път обаче, когато чета книга, писана от човек, който наистина е бил вътре (от която и да е страна на решетките), се удивлявам на сходствата на всички затвори по света. Независимо дали се намират в САЩ, в Бразилия, във Великобритания или в България, навсякъде затворите се борят непрестанно с недостатъчния бюджет, с недостатъчно персонал и проблемите в набирането му, с идеите на администрацията и политиците относно това какви трябва да са отношенията между хората в затвора (което включва всичката гняс, свързана с политическа коректност, употреба на сила, дисциплина и т.н.).

"Новобранец" не е лоша книга, ако я приемем според както подсказва заглавието - като погледът на един журналист, изкарал "под прикритие" една година в ролята на надзирател в най-известния (и един от най-трудните) затвор в САЩ - Синг Синг. Определено е истина твърдението на по-старите надзиратели, описано в книгата: че за да станеш наистина надзирател, ти трябват минимум 4 години служба. Преди това си новобранец и нищо не разбираш - нито от работата, нито от това какъв човек си.

От такава позиция авторът е описал каквото е видял, па макар и ограничено от малкия му опит.
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Longanlon | 19 other reviews | Nov 19, 2024 |
I live a hundred miles north of Conover's story. He nailed the diverse group of characters living off the grid in remote areas of Colorado. Great story!
Cam_Torrens | 2 other reviews | Mar 17, 2023 |
And so I came, saw, and left, came, saw, and left, over and over again. I built a fence because it felt right, and because I plan to stay a while longer.

from Cheap Land Colorado by Ted Conover
When Ted Conover was eleven he visited the San Luis Valley on a family car trip. The land looked timeless, its long history of human settlement seeming to have little impact. Indigenous people left their rock carvings, Hispanic people created the first town. Pioneers came for the free land. Now, with some of the cheapest land on the continental United States, the valley still attracts people, the poor who dream of owning a plot of land, people who are drawn to the wide open skies, those who are escaping from the city and mainstream life or their past.

Ted Conover was hired to write a story about South Park and he shared what he had seen with his sister. She had visited the San Luis Valley and told him about a rural outreach group there. Conover visited to learn more. “I had not known that this kind of place existed,” Conover wrote about the off-the grid world he encountered.

Conover lived and taught in New York city but he arranged to work part time with the outreach group. He found a trailer and a place to park it. Every few months, he returned, traveling across the valley, seeking those in need, and learning about the people and their stories. He became a part of the community. He fell in love with this land, and bought land and developed a second home there.

Cheap Land Colorado is a wonderful portrait of this rural, impoverished valley and the people who call it home. With great humanity and acceptance, we come to understand people whose values and choices we don’t agree with or support. We see their dignity, their drive for self-sufficiency and freedom.

Conover himself is at the heart of the story, his growing attachment to the valley, the friends he made, the stories people told him. He sees first hand illegal guns, the impact of meth and opioids, mental health issues, and downright poverty. During the Trump years and Covid, he records their embracing of Facebook ‘truths’, too many becoming ill and dying because of pandemic denial.

“At a time when more and more people seem to believe that almost anything can be true, I wanted a book that could be fact-checked, populated by people who are indisputably real,” Conover concludes.

Thanks to A.A. Knopf for a free book.
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nancyadair | 2 other reviews | Dec 3, 2022 |


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