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174+ Works 1,570 Members 32 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Thesupermat


Works by Didier Convard

Le triangle secret. 1, Le testament du fou (2000) 65 copies, 1 review
Le suaire (2004) 37 copies, 1 review
La liste rouge (2005) 31 copies, 1 review
Résurrection (2007) 26 copies
Le crâne de Cagliostro (2009) 24 copies
Le tombeau d'orient (2006) 24 copies
Finkel, tome 1 : L'enfant de mer (1994) 21 copies, 1 review
Le Triangle secret : Les larmes du pape (2006) 21 copies, 1 review
Le Triangle Secret - Hertz, tome 1 (2006) 20 copies, 1 review
Neige, tome 3 : L'Aube rouge (1989) 19 copies, 1 review
L'ange brisé (2008) 18 copies
Deir el Médineh (2010) 17 copies
Finkel, tome 4 : Le Secret (1997) 17 copies, 1 review
Finkel, tome 2 : Océane (1995) 17 copies
Finkel, tome 3 : Génos (1996) 17 copies, 1 review
Neige, tome 5 : Il Diavolo (1992) 17 copies, 1 review
Neige, Tome 6 : Le Pisse-Dieu (1993) 17 copies, 1 review
Neige, Tome 8 : La Brèche (1995) 16 copies, 1 review
Neige, tome 9, La Chanson du muet (1997) 16 copies, 1 review
Neige, tome 4 : Intermezzo (1991) 16 copies, 1 review
La théorie du chaos (2009) 16 copies
Hertz - Tome 04: L'Ombre de l'Aigle (2014) 15 copies, 1 review
Het gedroomde avontuur (1998) 14 copies
Finkel, tome 6 : Esta (2001) 13 copies
Finkel, tome 5 : Origine (1998) 12 copies
I tre delitti di Anubi (1997) 12 copies
Ombre et lumière (2009) 10 copies
Le sang des innocents (2010) 10 copies
Not' Dam (1992) 9 copies
Le chien rouge (1998) 9 copies
Frères de sang (1997) 9 copies
Neige, Tome 13 : Le mur (2007) 9 copies
I.N.R.I : L'enquête (2006) 8 copies
Adams droom (1992) 8 copies
Petite brocante intime (1999) 7 copies, 1 review
Neige Origines - Tome 03 (2018) 7 copies
De acht dagen van de Duivel (1983) 7 copies, 1 review
Neige Fondation - Tome 03 (2012) 6 copies
De 9e dag van de duivel (1986) 6 copies, 1 review
Kaplan & Masson, Band 2 (2016) 5 copies
Michelangelo (2013) 5 copies
Sept Frères (2016) 5 copies, 1 review
Neige : L'intégrale (1996) 5 copies
Tanatos 02: N.N (2011) 4 copies
Katzen - Die Hüter der Unsternlichkeit (2022) 4 copies, 1 review
In de schaduw van Hiram (2021) 3 copies
Les dix petits Blacks (1999) 3 copies
Vinci (2008) 3 copies
Le Triangle Secret 1 et 2 (2009) 2 copies
Le bois aux licornes (2000) 2 copies
Petite mort en un acte (2009) 2 copies
Sherlock, Tome 1 : Révélation (2008) 2 copies, 1 review
Paradoxes - L’homme infini - Tome 1 (2013) 2 copies, 1 review
L'ombra dello sciacallo (2018) 2 copies
Les Cathares 2 copies
Souvenirs de Toussaint (2009) 2 copies
Tajni Trokut 1 copy
Chats (Intégrale) (2009) 1 copy
Sneeuw integraal 2 (2024) 1 copy
Sneeuw integraal 3 (2024) 1 copy
Voyageur des portes (1987) 1 copy
Sneeuw integraal 1 (2024) 1 copy
Vinci - Intégrale (2011) 1 copy
Le manoir d'Orleur (1996) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Voronov Plot (1999) — Colourist — 218 copies, 1 review
Faanas kanoner (1980) — Illustrator — 3 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Convard, Didier
Paris, France



I'm confused by the ending. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe it's just that: confusing.

Anyway, I expected a bit more by it, there's not enough humor. Also the drawing style is not really my favorite.
cwebb | Apr 17, 2023 |
Now over 100 years old, Le Canard is an institution in the French media landscape, with its old-fashioned look, its rejection of giving in to social media, and its never-ending exposure of corruption of the political, religious, corporate, and military class in France (with much overlap and revolving door between these four). From its debut as a satirical publication during WWI, to its evolution of high-level reporting, Le Canard has always been a thorn in the side of the powers-that-be, and the constant wondering of who its sources are. This doggedness and deep sources earned it its own Watergate-style scandal in 1973. But despite the beatings from fascists, governmental harassment, and various threats, Le Canard continues to expose, reveal, and, importantly, mock the pompous and the hypocrites in power.
This 100 year overview is a whirlwind, well-narrated (in French), and beautifully illustrated. I confess to having forgotten most of the scandals that Le Canard exposed (especially the older ones) and one comes away with a despairing view of the political / corporate corruption a la francaise.
There is nothing in the world of the press like Le Canard, so, this book is well worth it.
But if you want to read Le Canard, don't look for a digital edition. There isn't one.
… (more)
SocProf9740 | Jul 11, 2021 |
wvanruth | Oct 20, 2017 |
Behind the ordinary lies the extraordinary. I bought this - in Dijon - for the Philippe Delerm contributions.
jon1lambert | Oct 3, 2008 |


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