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David A. Cook

Author of A History of Narrative Film

3 Works 537 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: D.A. Cook, David A. Cook

Works by David A. Cook


Common Knowledge

University of Virginia (PhD)
Director of Film Studies
Emory University



Essentially, this history is just one big list of lists. Through the years, its biggest point of controversy has centered on who and what was left out. Written in 1981, the book is not only dated in terms of time but also in the fact that it has been replaced by online lists and filmographies. What interpretive history there is that goes into the book is minimal and not worth bothering with. Through the decades there have been so many of these general histories, including those by Giannetti, Bordwell and Thompson, and Sobchack. Probably the best of the bunch is Richard Maltby's Hollywood Cinema--there is some genuine thought and theoretical insight within it. Cook's book is the biggest, but it is far from the best.… (more)
PaulCornelius | 2 other reviews | Apr 12, 2020 |
Very detailed history of film, which was used as a textbook in a college class I took. Well written and fairly engaging, but not a light read.
datrappert | 2 other reviews | Oct 22, 2016 |
Finished on May 31, 2013

Except for the introduction of sound, the American film industry changed more between 1969 and 1980 than any other period in its history.
At the beginning of the 1970's, movies were a group experience and by the end of the 1970's, we have videos played at home.

Lost Illusions is an immense resource (695pg hardcover) and very detailed.
What I list below is just a snapshot and if you've an interest in film history or simply the American time period 1970-1979, it's worth a look.

Formative industry trends such as "manufacturing the blockbuster, merchandising and marketing are explored in depth.

We see independent productions such as Easy Rider (1969) become a youth cult film overnight.
We see a calculated return to genre films, sequels and series.
American Graffiti (1973) successfully tapped nostalgia
and with The Exorcist (1974) we have exploitative horror.

Chapter 4 explores auteur cinema and "filmmakers whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give a film its personal and unique stamp."

The 1970's witnessed the regular production of genre films such as the youth cult film, continuation of westerns, the gangster film, film noir and other crime genres, the musical, rock musicals, horror with its multitude of subgenres., the science fiction film and the disaster film. (Genre I)

Genre II might include black action, martial arts or kung fu and "adult" film.

Chapter 7 discusses in depth the individual film studios.
Chapter 8 is costs, agents and stars.

Technology advanced in 3 major arenas (cinematography, special effects and sound recording and playback) and television further developed the concept of movie watching. (ex HBO)

Documentary filmmakers emerged in the 70's (within a larger group of independent filmmakers)

Avant-garde is also part of the coming of age of cinema "as a fully developed, malleable art form."

"As a result of experimentation in the 70's, film has been accepted as a field of study."

The author (David Cook) has included
extensive appendixes, notes, bibliography, general index and film index
There is an extensive photo gallery included.
If you're looking for light reading on cinema, find another resource.
If you'd like something deeper, this is comprehensive, intense, and thorough

★ ★ ★ ★
… (more)
pennsylady | Jan 14, 2015 |
A must for all film fans
EmmaCost | 2 other reviews | Nov 27, 2011 |

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