Picture of author.

American Red Cross

Author of Standard First Aid and Personal Safety

285 Works 3,809 Members 12 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: American Red Cross recruiting poster by Harrison Fisher, 1918
(LoC Prints and Photographs Division,


Works by American Red Cross

Standard First Aid and Personal Safety (1973) 582 copies, 2 reviews
American Red Cross first aid textbook (1933) 294 copies, 1 review
Standard First Aid (1993) 127 copies
Pet First Aid: Cats & Dogs (1997) 103 copies, 1 review
Red Cross Home Nursing (1963) 71 copies
Canoeing (1977) 50 copies, 1 review
Swimming and Diving (1995) 49 copies
Lifeguarding Today (1995) 42 copies
Emergency Response (1996) 33 copies
Lifeguard Training (2000) 25 copies
First Aid Fast (1994) 25 copies
Canoeing & Kayaking (1981) 23 copies
Adult Cpr/Aed Skills Card (2000) 22 copies
Wilderness and Remote First Aid (2010) 18 copies, 1 review
Basic Sailing (1966) 17 copies
Basic canoeing (1963) 16 copies
Emergency Response Workbook (1993) 15 copies
First Aid and C.P.R. (1993) 9 copies
BAT: Basic Aid Training (1995) 9 copies
Swimming & diving (1992) 8 copies
Dog first aid 8 copies
Lifeguarding Manual (2017) 7 copies
First Aid Skill Card (2006) 4 copies
Nurse Assistant Training (2002) 4 copies
Respiratory emergencies (1981) 3 copies
Community Water Safety (1995) 3 copies
Basic Canoeing (1965) 2 copies
Head Lifeguard (1994) 2 copies
Basic Water Rescue (1997) 2 copies
Lifesaving 1 copy
Aquatic Safety (1992) 1 copy
Canoeing 1 copy
Cooking for Heros (2009) 1 copy
American Red Cross Standard First Aid (1993) 1 copy, 1 review
CPR (2017) 1 copy
Mini Medic 1 copy


American Red Cross (25) canoeing (12) cats (10) college (10) CPR (30) disaster (12) education (13) emergency (25) emergency response (10) first aid (305) health (300) how-to (34) instructional (17) knitting (10) lifeguarding (10) lifesaving (19) manual (20) medical (104) medicine (73) non-fiction (157) nursing (13) own (11) paperback (12) pets (9) read (13) Red Cross (75) reference (149) safety (56) science (14) self-help (11) Semester text (8) sports (24) survival (13) swimming (37) textbook (28) to-read (24) training (13) vintage (10) water safety (21) WWII (9)

Common Knowledge

Awards and honors
Congressional Gold Medal (1979)



No rating because, well, it's a CPR/first aid manual I've read for class. Not exactly something I'd rate, either for its readability or use of language or anything else. Required reading and all that.
sarahlh | 1 other review | Mar 6, 2021 |
A manual covering standard first aid and personal safety. The book can be used in conjunction with American Red Cross Standard First Aid and Personal Safety course, or read alone. The text incorporates information on personal safety and accident prevention, so that people can learn the causes of accidents and act to eliminate or minimize such causes.
CenterPointMN | 1 other review | Jun 13, 2018 |
A manual to accompany a course in emergency medical help. Used in conjunction with a series of video segments and learning activities, this manual is designed to increase your knowledge and skills. The manual contains all the material one will learn in class, only in a form that is easy to keep and use as reference whenever needed. The manual has highlighted information and material condensed in lists to make it easy to identify the critical points and to refresh ones memory. Photos, drawings, graphs and tables also present information in an easy-to-find form. Skill sheets give step-by-step directions for performing the skills taught in the course. Questinnatires provide a way for the reader to evaluate certain risks in ones lifestyle. The manual also contains articles of varying lengths to cover all the topics taught in class.… (more)
CenterPointMN | Jun 13, 2018 |
Covers prevention, identification of problems, field decision-making, treatment or care, to move or not, etc. Text augmented with photos illustrating procedures. Personal, Group, and Augmented Group First Aid Kit, and using "found" materials. With less than 1 trained person per thousand, in case of emergency, even in a city, fundamental training should be obligatory.
Lace-Structures | May 11, 2016 |

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½ 3.5

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